Valerie and her lawyers are cheeky, very happily cheeky. I know that Mike Ellis will reject Moss as an 'arbitrator', but the fight to find a willing clam to be chosen by Valerie is just starting. Until some court much higher on the food chain finds that $cieno 'arbitration' is unconscionable, the Clampire will keep using this scheme to grind down anyone forced into their 'arbitration'.

What's next? Ask Krustie Ally? How about Danny Masterson? That would be hilarious and would call attention to the whole stinking process. Maybe even the LA Times would notice and do a story on it. But even better, the tabloids would have a wonderful time with it.

Stay strong Valerie, the marathon is still in its early stages.

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Valerie can always write a book, that would sell for sure, all she's been through.

Arbitration, if lost, then do her book and tell all.

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