Among Scientology’s sneaky front groups, one of the most insidious is WISE, the World Institute of Scientology Enterprises.
Why insidious? Because it’s not only forwarding the cause of burnishing Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard’s image like the other front groups such as Applied Scholastics and the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, but it’s also actively recruiting new people — and people with money — into Scientology.
Under the WISE umbrella, various business consulting firms target chiropractors, dentists, and veterinarians (among others) by promising to help a practitioner deal with the headaches of the business side of their operations. And when they’re successful, they not only recruit those practitioners into Scientology, but also subject their staffs to it, applying considerable pressure to attend Scientology seminars and the like.
This gets those practitioners into trouble now and again, as we’ve seen over the years as employees go to the EEOC or sue in court over being forced into Scientology by their employers.
But we have often heard it from readers over the years: Where is a current WISE directory so consumers can avoid those businesses that have fallen under the Scientology business consultancy scam? The most recent that we’ve seen was from 2006, and we understand the frustration that there isn’t something more up to date.
However, we can offer you some fresh information. Alex Barnes-Ross has passed along to us a very interesting email which contains a WISE classified ads listing for job openings submitted to the Clearwater, Florida branch, one of the biggest concentrations of Scientologists in the country. (The jobs themselves are not limited only to Florida.)
This is very fresh information indeed, having just come out a couple of weeks ago, and we thought you’d want to know who is advertising job openings under the WISE umbrella.
— Fortis Business Solutions in Clearwater is a WISE consultancy front operation that preys on the usual targets. It was started in Clearwater in 1999 by Jeff Lee, a Scientologist since 1979.
Fortis is looking for a “practice management consultant” who is “strong in Ethics Specialist application.” (In other words, a Scientologist who is going to get these veterinarians and chiropractors to toe the line of Scientology policy.)
“We are also looking for an additional course supervisor as our academy is rapidly expanding,” says Fortis.
— CLC Academy is a Scientology K-8 private school in Clearwater, and it says it’s looking for tutors, a director of tutoring, a receptionist, and “local flyer distributors.”
Its ad included a testimonial by a new employee who said they liked how the school is “managed by sound policy,” which means they are Keeping Scientology Working while they mold young minds.
— Solvency Now Bookkeeping is looking to hire remote bookkeepers, and we have to say we don’t really see any Scientology giveaways in the listing. After all, numbers are numbers.
— A family in Sherman Oaks, California is looking for a personal assistant. They have a teenage daughter and a dog which needs to be walked, and this is a full-time position. Here are the duties they list:
“Booking appointments, calendar management, grocery shopping, general errands, home organization, picking up and dropping off dry cleaning, receiving and handling mail/packages, scheduling family activities, booking and overseeing servicemen for house upkeep, keeping supplies stocked in the home, scheduling teen’s school, driving teen to school, travel planning, booking cars and help packing for travel, light cleaning and cooking if time permits.”
The same family is also looking for a housekeeper, with similar duties.
While this sounds like a lot of work, this couple doesn’t sound as nutty as another Scientology pair whose job requirements went viral.
— Clearwater chiropractor Dr. Susan Player is looking for an administrative assistant.
“I am offering $15 to $20 per hour to start, depending on experience. Bonuses will come with office expansion…Ideal candidate characteristics:
Extremely personable and reliable, self-sufficient, and computer savvy. Organized to help keep things on track and efficiently gets things completed. He/she has strong communication skills (both written and verbal). Purpose to help others with their health and therefore their life.”
— Other employers listing jobs included:
ITDCloud Enterprise, hiring real estate agents to represent their solar company.
Wilson Printing, which targets, you guessed it, dentists and veterinarians
VGI Management, which is looking for executive assistants for unnamed bigwigs
Clemente Media Productions, a “secret marketing agency”
And: Abstractor Pro; AGM (Attention Grabbing Media) Agency; American Power & Gas; Axiom (software); Azon Medical; Clearwater Academy; Cummins World Wide; Dynamic Technical Solutions, Inc.; Dynamite Demolition Service; J2J Structural Steel; John Hunter Acoustics; M247 (marketing); MGE: Management Experts Inc.; NEDC: Architects who Build; Nelson Construction; New Era Medical; Pacific Outdoor Living; PostcardMania (of course); Dr. Rene Reed (chiropractor); Dr. Paul Rodeghero (dentist); Survival Strategies, Inc.; Ulan Nutritional Systems; Viapure Wellness, LLC.
Get your resumes polished, space cadets!
Claire Headley for the win
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Congrats to Claire!
So $cienoes want workers to do their bidding and take over household duties that they are too important or busy to take care of. Arrogance isn't a bug in the $cienoverse, it is a feature. Woe unto anyone accepting any job in any of these companies listed. If your stats aren't up, out you go. And some of those jobs simply can't be done. Good luck to trying to sell Fortis to anyone who didn't check out the Better Business Bureau website. I mostly avoid the BBB, its policies are subject to too much play if the 'offender' joins and pays the fees. With only one complaint and one review, the Fortis status with the BBB is pretty useless.
Nicely done Claire! Move your tassel to the other side and have some well deserved cake.