[Today’s guest post is by Patty Moher.]
I went to the New Haven Org on November 6, a Monday morning. I was curious how they were doing on their “Ideal Org” project.
Until it gets done, the temporary New Haven org is now located at 980 Whalley Ave. It’s about half a block up and across the street from both the original NH org and the current dilapidated Ideal org.
According to Google the org opened at 10 am. I arrived at 9:30 to find one car and a Jeep with a mounted snow plow that looked like it’s been sitting there for a long time, and an old yellow Volunteer Ministers van in the back parking lot.
This location used to be a medical facility of some sort and it has a lot of rooms. Take a look inside at this Zillow link.
I was wondering, but I have no proof that some staff might live there. I know that the orgs had a policy of Night Watch where staff had to stay overnight at orgs for security, but I don’t know if this continues. It probably does but I would need some kind of evidence. Maybe a Connecticut SP could drive by after 10 pm and see if any cars are parked in their lot.
By 10 am two more cars arrived. One could be staff, but one looked like he was carrying a course pack in a bag, so he was probably a student. To me, it looked like two staff and one student, or maybe one staff and two students at 10 am on a Monday morning. Just pathetic. Connecticut will be the first Cleared state in the US anytime now.
Then I drove down a few hundred feet and across the street from the 20-year-old ramshackle Ideal Org building.
This building used to be a landmark furniture store and originally some kind of Mason thing. I remember walking through it some 30-plus years ago. It was old then.
The first thing I noticed was that there was no fence. It used to be surrounded, but the fence was gone which means there is no construction going on. Also, there is some kind of permit on the door dating back to 2018.
What a dump. Take a look at the pictures.
Also of note is that the org is located in Westville, a very nice section of New Haven and I’m sure the locals hate the fact that the building is going to shit.
From Niche.com: “Westville is a neighborhood in New Haven, Connecticut with a population of 7,333. Westville is in New Haven County and is one of the best places to live in Connecticut. Living in Westville offers residents a dense suburban feel and most residents rent their homes. In Westville there are a lot of bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and parks. Many young professionals live in Westville and residents tend to be liberal.”
So you can imagine the poor PR image Scientology has in New Haven. Here’s an article from a few months ago from the New Haven register.
According to the city’s online tax records, the church, which operates out of a rented commercial storefront up a block across the street, has not had to pay any property taxes on 949 Whalley for at least a decade. The property remains tax-exempt today despite dissent between the city’s tax assessor and the Board of Assessment Appeals… The city last appraised the property as worth nearly $3 million.
I include a photo I took of the NH Ideal org in 2006, it’s the one with the banner. It’s good for a chuckle.
— Patty Moher
Chris Shelton is going Straight Up and Vertical
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These photos are perfect representations or codifications of THE TOXIC ROT that this "church" is rooted in.
What a perfect metaphor for the current state of the Clampire. A cracked, rusted out plow next to a rusty, yellow van by a barely there mOrg. The 'new' one is a great piece of old Masonic Lodge architecture that hasn't been touched or taxed in 10 year. How many $cienoes are there in New Haven? Apparently, not enough to get the new mOrg up and running. And are you running when you have 2 staff and 1 'student'? New Haven isn't limping along, it is crawling like a man with one broken leg.
Thanks Patty, I loved your pics.