One of the things we’ve always appreciated about Scientology is that as much as it denies its controversial way of doing things in ludicrous statements to government officials, the courts, and the press, it just can’t help itself that it loves to document its own crimes in detail in fliers and mailers for its own people.
And this week, we received a copy of a real doozy.
For some time now, we’ve been getting leaked copies of fundraising appeals for the new “Ideal Org” in Puerto Rico, which claim that construction on the project is already under way.
Another sign that the project is nearing completion is that labor-intensive work has begun on the org’s “Central Files.” Val Ross just recently gave us a sense of what monumental busywork this is, as voluminous hand-written paper files documenting every person who has ever so much as bought a single book or taken a single class is described in dossiers that have to be kept as up to date as possible and in strict alphabetical order.
Yes, Scientology does use computers, but the massive undertaking of keeping the paper Central Files current is a sacrament in Scientology, going back to the edicts of the founder himself, L. Ron Hubbard.
And as a new “Ideal Org” is prepared, those Central Files have to go through a complete overhaul, apparently, and it’s a task of mind-numbing minutiae.
The folks at the Puerto Rico project have resorted to flying high school students down from Washburn Academy in Clearwater, Florida, and will soon receive a contingent from Clearwater Academy, and they’re asking for donations to cover the costs to fly down these kids. Here’s the language and photos from the fliers…
We’ve just completed the second wave of Washburn Academy students on the CF project in Puerto Rico.
Another 8 students and 2 faculty were on hand creating sanity in the mind of the org.
The first wave of students filed all TWENTY BOXES of loose particles into CF. That’s 20 banker boxes, just like you see on the shelves in the top pic. That’s a herculean task and you can see the heroes below!
The second wave concentrated on the student files – they got all of the Div 6 student files in chronological order. That means ONE folder per student, all in ONE place, and all in alphabetical order.
Here we have the 2nd Washburn Wave with local volunteers as well:
These are herculean accomplishments.
In August we have Clearwater Academy heading to the enchanted isle, with 12 students and 2 faculty. Local volunteers are coming in and there’s a palpable excitement in the air. This is really happening!
Funds are needed for the airfare, transportation and food. Your donation funds these awesome volunteers.
$20 feeds a volunteer for a day
$130 pays for the big van for each day
$250 pays for one round trip plane ticket
$500 for one volunteer for the whole week
Your donation is tax deductible and HUGELY appreciated.
Many have donated, more is needed. After Clearwater Academy we will be getting individuals to spend time in Puerto Rico.
In fact, you can fly down Friday afternoon or Saturday morning and fly back Sunday night and put in a great weekend helping on CF. Friday afternoon flights leave at 4:00pm; Saturday morning flights depart Tampa at 6:10 and 7:30am. Sunday returns are at 4:30 and 8:25pm. It’s a whirlwind weekend but very doable! And priced under $250.
Of course, staying longer is perfectly acceptable!
We ARE making an Ideal Org in Puerto Rico. This will be the Ideal Org for the entire Caribbean, 42 million people. Your help makes this possible.
Thank you for your support.
Curt Larson
OTC “CF Whisperer”
Well, isn’t that special.
Now, call us cynical, because those kids look awfully happy in those photos.
But if Scientology is flying school-age kids across state lines so they can toil away for hours to help a “church” get its files in order, isn’t there another way of looking at this?
Dare we utter the phrase, labor trafficking?
And might there not be a government official, somewhere, who might be interested in looking into this?
We suggest they head on down to the old org in San Juan at 2 or 3 in the morning, and ask the kids there alphabetizing 30-year-old files how much fun they’re having.
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Source Code: Actual things founder L. Ron Hubbard said on this date in history
Avast, Ye Mateys: Snapshots from Scientology’s years at sea
Overheard in the Freezone: Indie Hubbardism, one thought at a time
Past is Prologue: From this week in history at alt.religion.scientology
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I remember once I was on a project setting up the Shrine for an event. For some reason, we were still working at 2 AM. The EPF (new recruits for the sea org, mostly kids) were working with us. We stood around the Shrine parking lot, waiting for a ride to the base. The kids were out there too, no jackets. I went over to the project manager in charge, a little DM wanna-be tyrant, and asked if the kids could go inside. I may as well have suggested we do some Molly. I was promptly called to the front of the group, berated for at least 10 minutes for not being a team member, and sent back to the base in shame. Child labor laws notwithstanding, the COS firmly believes these kids are thetans in little bodies, and should be able to do anything adults can do.
As an aside, I bet those high school kids had a great time in Puerto Rico, CF project or no CF project.
Interesting admission by the slave labor afficionados, but it is probably just the tip of a very big iceberg.
I still remember the night, after a full day of work, when my RPF unit was briefed on our "project" for that night. To be done before we could sleep.
Remove the floor of a two-bedroom house.
We were given sledgehammers. The house was already raised up to give us access to the floor. The sad part is that my unit had one 6'-3 220-pound guy (me), two girls and a wimpy kid. Of course we were up for it, this was L Ron Hubbard's house! Honored to serve and all that c***.
Probably in the four decades since that incident they have gotten a little more secretive about using scab labor, But if they are bragging about putting kids on clerical work, what are they doing to the adults? The ones they have to hide from ICE because their clerical Green Cards have expired? The movable feast of drones that flit from one Ideal Org completion event to another just to fill the quota of staff complement?
Desperate times inspire desperate measures. To Dave, humans are just coins to spend as he wishes. A little investigative work could turn up some real dirt.