While we wait to see Tom Cruise rappel down at the Stade de France today, we wanted to catch up on some fun items that helpful readers have been forwarding our way.
In Orlando, for example, the staff there sent out this testimonial about how fulfilling it is to work at the Ideal Org. After watching this video, what’s keeping you from signing up, pilgrim?
Meanwhile, the Pasadena Ideal Org is also recruiting. And they say you can have it all!
And really, what’s there not to love about a minimum wage job with huge pressures where you get to dress up like an Olive Garden waiter? Good times!
Puerto Rico says it’s close!
In this message forwarded to us by a reader, the Puerto Rico folks say they’re very close to finding their “final figure” of how much of your money they need!
Dear [redacted] —
We’ve entered a very exciting—and quite validating—phase of fundraising for the Ideal Org of Puerto Rico.
Building fundraising target, accomplished.
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment target, accomplished.
Final Figure—awaiting.
You have been an absolute Champion, [redacted], in helping us get to this lofty place. It’s such an awesome accomplishment, really, that if you think about it, the only Orgs that have ever been where Puerto Rico is today in terms of fundraising, well, they’ve already Opened! That’s rarefied company we’re in, isn’t it?
As we wait for the Final Figure to come down, there’s still time for you to achieve that special status where you’d like to see your name on the Honor Roll. Where would you like your name to appear On the Wall, [redacted]? Make a flow today to
to get closer to your personal target.
While we don’t have a fundraising event scheduled for this month, there will be a huge FUNraiser next month. Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 28th at 6PM in the Ballroom. The theme is “Ideal Champions of Freedom,” and you, [redacted], as one of the Ideal Org of Puerto Rico’s Champions are very much invited. Please RSVP to events@flagotc.org.
Thank you, [redacted], for being the Champion you are!
With much love and mucho gratitude,
Flag OTC Fundraising Team
A special treat for our subscribers
Today subscribers will receive episode 78 of our special podcast series, “Group Therapy.”
We discuss the week’s revelations with our gang of jokers and degraders, including our transoceanic friend Alex Barnes-Ross. And in Colorado, the genial Bruce Hines!
It’s all the enturbulation you could want!
We’re offering this series as thanks to our subscribers for helping to support the work we do here at the Underground Bunker!
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Thank you for reading today’s story here at Substack. For the full picture of what’s happening today in the world of Scientology, please join the conversation at tonyortega.org, where we’ve been reporting daily on David Miscavige’s cabal since 2012. There you’ll find additional stories, and our popular regular daily features:
Source Code: Actual things founder L. Ron Hubbard said on this date in history
Avast, Ye Mateys: Snapshots from Scientology’s years at sea
Overheard in the Freezone: Indie Hubbardism, one thought at a time
Past is Prologue: From this week in history at alt.religion.scientology
Random Howdy: Your daily dose of the Captain
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Group Therapy: Our round table of rowdy regulars on the week’s news
After watching that vid, my REM Shiny Happy People engram was restimulated. I think it odd that Steak House Waiter guy got his jollies by interacting with his peers on staff. What about all those Public who are rocketing up the Bridge? While it isn't directly said, Staff seems to be focused on looking inward, and not outward to the dissemination of $camatology. That is not how a multi level marketing corporation is supposed to work.
From my own experiences I understand what these young staff members feel and why they get hooked by Scientology. It’s obvious that their family’s did not accept them and so they did not have a feeling of belonging. Scientology comes along and becomes their love bombing family. For the first time in their lives they feel like they belong. Hubbard knew that and took advantage of that issue for so many of us young adults. And for the children raised in Scientology they belong in the organization first, their family is second in line. Big mistake the parents make.