When I was on the Apollo in 1974 I got a chance to hang out with Quentin. Soft spoken, a sweet young man. He talked about his aspirations to be be a pilot and fly. He was a highly trained auditor,(class VIII) I could tell in our conversation that was not what interested him. He wanted to fly.

He was completely unlike other Sea Org members. He was open, not stiff and guarded and fearful like most of the other SO members on the ship. I liked him immediately. I think we had such a candid conversation because I was an outsider, a creative musician who he related to.

In 1976 when I heard he had died, the narrative I was given was a conspiracy theory that he had been assassinated by Ron Hubbards enemies. At the time I believed it completely.

Hubbard saw his children as useful tools, nothing more. And Hubbard was angry that his son had embarrassed him by committing suicide.

In Scientology that’s one way out. I saw it as a path out myself. Fortunately my inner self hung in there till I woke up one day and I knew I was out. Thank you Tony.

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The omitted information the Las Vegas coroner was never given was that Quentin had attempted suicide 2x previously.

He was miserably unhappy in the Sea Org.

He wanted FREEDOM. He was TRAPPED.

The earlier suicide attempt was a large bunch of sleeping pills

Hubbard sent Quentin to the RPF for this suicide attempt.

Quentin enhanced and cheered up the whole RPF with his presence.

He was a soft gentle soul. RIP Quentin, FLY HIGH.

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I remember when he was in the RPF.

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poor quentin. iirc he killed himself near the airport bc he wanted become a plane pilot...am i wrong on this?

btw RIP quentin

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“What occurred prior to his demise was not our responsibility.” No you lying bastard, when you don't know what happened, you look at the recent history of the deceased. That ME was bribed nicely to put that crap out. As for the 'disturbed' death scene, I call double bullshite on that.

Who 'found' the semen in Quentin's body? That would have been noted in any autopsy. Again, I see a ME who covered up the whole thing. Maren must have received a nice bonus for covering up the whole thing.

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