One of the very best things about Scientology, of course, is that it was the fever dream of a failed WW2 Navy Lieutenant who FUBAR’d just about every command he got his hands on. But if L. Ron Hubbard was a disaster in the actual US Navy, he sure got his revenge later when in 1967 he created his very own armada and began running Scientology from sea.
He called the faux Navy of youngsters he recruited the “Sea Organization,” and to this day the most dedicated Scientologists sign the Sea Org’s billion-year contract and promise to serve lifetime after lifetime. And while some of the naval trappings have been toned down a bit in recent years, there’s no doubt that the Sea Org still has quasi-naval ranks and that they all answer to the Captain of the Sea Org himself, none other than Chairman of the Board, David Miscavige!
These days, we tend to associate the Sea Org with Scientology’s most important bases in places like Clearwater, Florida, or Int Base east of Los Angeles.
But apparently, Scientology is eager to attract some new swabbies in a pretty unlikely place: The Big Apple!
At least that’s the impression we get from a new online survey that Scientologists are being encouraged to take. And you can take it too! Here are the questions that potential impressment victims are being asked to fill out…
We can’t wait to see your responses!
A special treat for our subscribers
Today our subscribers will receive episode 69 of our special podcast series, “Group Therapy.”
We discuss the week’s revelations with our gang of jokers and degraders, and this time we have a real surprise: We’re joined by Mike Rinder! Sure, he showed up a little late, but he showed up! And he joined in with Lynette, Pan, Apostate Alex, and Pete Griffiths.
It’s all the enturbulation you could want!
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Thank you for reading today’s story here at Substack. For the full picture of what’s happening today in the world of Scientology, please join the conversation at, where we’ve been reporting daily on David Miscavige’s cabal since 2012. There you’ll find additional stories, and our popular regular daily features:
Source Code: Actual things founder L. Ron Hubbard said on this date in history
Avast, Ye Mateys: Snapshots from Scientology’s years at sea
Overheard in the Freezone: Indie Hubbardism, one thought at a time
Past is Prologue: From this week in history at alt.religion.scientology
Random Howdy: Your daily dose of the Captain
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Paid subscribers get access to a special podcast series…
Group Therapy: Our round table of rowdy regulars on the week’s news
"How would you like to stay in touch (phone/text/email)?" -- Have your thetans talk to my thetans.
"What do you feel needs to be handled on an immediate basis as far as the planet is concerned?" -- The planet needs to be cleared of all traces of Scientology.
"What do you feel it will really take to handle the planet?" --- To get rid of Scientology. That will give so many people back their lives and money and allow everyone to be able to redirect energy towards other issues without the Church interfering.
"What is your understanding of why LRH founded the Sea Organization?" -- Because he wanted followers around him 24/7, doing almost all the work for him, worshipping him, and unlike the US Navy no one could take his command away from him.
"What is your concept of what the Sea Organization does on a daily basis?" -- If not being punished in the RPF/Hole, the Sea Organization does a lot of work to try and bilk Scientologists out of their money and time under often unethical means. This is all done by people who work way too many hours, for little to no pay, and often under harsh conditions.
"Are you aware that there is a Sea Organization base located in New York city? -- No, but I am pretty sure New York city doesn't know either.
"At any point in your life, have you ever considered joining the Sea Organization? If so, when and what occurred?" -- No.
"Do you know if you are qualified to join the Sea Organization?" -- Yes. (I do know, but I won't tell you if I am because that's not what you asked.)
"What data would be beneficial to someone who was considering joining the Sea Organization?" -- Unrestricted access and time to word clear and process without interference the books, websites, and other media from Paulette Cooper, Marc Headley, Claire Headley, Tony Ortega, Leah Remini, Jon Atack, Alexander Barnes-Ross, Operation Clambake, Mike Rinder, Lawrence Wright, Mark Ebner, Louis Theroux, Scientology Money Project, John Sweeney, Amy Scobee, Tracy McManus, and so many more. A bit of time ahead of signing up with someone like Steve Hassan would help too.
"Is there any additional data you would like in regards to the Sea Organization or the East U.S. Base in New York City?" -- Yes. The names and contact information (that Scientology cannot track or eavesdrop on) to give to the proper authorities, organizations like the Aftermath Foundation and their counterparts, and to the many friends and family members who sometimes are wanting to know something as simple as 'are they still alive?'.
I bet we have LOTS of ideas on how to handle the planet and what advice we’d give to someone considering signing up. 😇