My god, these people are the epitome of evil and the flock even more brainwashed than the MAGA mob.

I watched Going Clear last night and what an eye opener. It answered my questions about the IRS scandal.

Their game plan is almost identical to Trump. Sue everyone and attack the institutions. 2,500 lawsuits against IRS employees was genius. I don’t understand how the IRS didn’t just ask for all the cases to be assigned to one judge and then ask for a summary judgment of dismissal.

You can’t allow these charlatans to win. They are zealots; ruthless and relentless. Time to annihilate them once and for all.

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Does anyone know if Julian is the son of Gretchen and Fred Schwartz? Gretchen died after benign brain tumor surgery and Fred went “over the rainbow” YEARS before that and no one mentions him. “Where is Fred Schwartz?”

And here’s another question:

Where is Julian Schwartz? Something tells me he’s no where to be found.

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Yes he is Fred Schwartz’s son.

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His name is spelled SWARTZ, not Schwartz, so it's probably a different guy...?

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Thanks, I recently asked this same question and didn’t get an answer.

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Another thank you to Tony for repeating the point about scientology's policies covering up crimes, protecting offenders, stopping/interfering with/preventing reports to the police, obstructing justice, and harassing/re-traumatizing the victims of those crimes. And it's really important that he hammers the point to these major media outlets that the church REPEATEDLY lies about ALL of that!

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"this story is all too typical." How many other coverups have occurred? How many other crimes are still being covered up? When any $cieno talks about their 'high ethics' everyone should check to see where their wallets are and what is happening with their family.

60 Minutes Australia has become one of my heroes. Well done Tony and well done 60 Minutes. Forewarned is forearmed.

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Thanks for continuing to expose the "church" of scientology's innate, policy-driven criminality, Tony. Really.

And where is the Potemkin Pope? Will he grace us with another verbose, post-Sherman press-release-screed of all-caps lies?

Stay tuned for another exciting episode of LIFT POWERED FOOT BULLETS!

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Sad order of spiritual preferences... even more so in acts that must be punished with the maximum severity, due to the effects they can cause on the abused person, for life.

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Faithful and angry majesties ...

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I had extensive interaction with Julian Schwartz. He the EO that handles issues that Celebrity Centre deems to hot handle. I started dealing with him on a serious level in 2007.

He is located as an Ethics officer at the Advanced Organization Los Angeles (AOLA). This is where the OT levels up to OT V are delivered.

He is trusted by OSA and deals with potential explosive criminal or potential off the rails scientologists who could cause bad publicity for the cherch. He is “the fixer”. I think he’s the nephew of Fred Schwartz famous reg. Julian was born into Scientology.

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Entered into the Clearwater public record.

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Australia's coverage is so good

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I feel stunned mothers/parents cared more about being kicked out of a cult than the care for their children. Brainwashing just isn't a good enough excuse to me.

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Thanks Tony! Also, I noticed in that 60 minutes piece that Topher Grace wasn't in that CC event either.

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thanx for the update tony

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Great job on 60 minutes Tony. Thanks for reupping the Julian Swartz story. Such wicked behavior by Scn

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the fact that parents avoided pressing charges against a pedophile is beyond any explanation

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The writing below is not related to the story that Toni has shared with us, but it may be related to the organization. It's just a comment.

One more conspiracy theorist... (sorry for using a translator, but my English is Tarzan) It's a fact that when you have a lot of power, it's easy to want to influence the world, depending on your perspective on everything. If you think like Malthus, there are many people... The truth is that the entire world population fits into a fraction of any North American state; Another thing is the sustainability of the eating style in the short or medium term, for those 8 billion souls and more and more. The pandemic killed many retirees, who "were no longer productive..." coincidentally. We cannot swear that behind Miscavige there are other people, concerned with their interests, (and their descendants), more than with the world, to do “cleanup.”

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The example is a utopian exaggeration, but it is to get closer to an idea: 4 adults can fit in one square meter without touching each other (you can check it); In a terrestrial mile (1,609 meters), if it is a square mile, there are about 2,588,881 square meters, (1,609 × 1,609 meters), at four people per square meter, there are 10,355. 524 people per square mile; Otherwise, I was wrong.

And as you know, most of the planet is uninhabited because we are concentrated in the known urban centers. There is plenty of space and there is land for "50 planet Earths", if everything is managed correctly.

(Sorry for going on so long)

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e meter "a sophisticated tool" 😂

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