Dang it, Alex! I was all set to sign up to get my botched hip replacement fixed, but now you've ripped off the bandaid, I see Clear--yeah, see what I did there, hahahaha

I'm just kidding of course, I would never join Scientology after reading the Underground Bunker and comments. Love y'all 💜

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Why not? I was in it for almost 50 years. I lost my retirement money, my kids, my sanity and almost lost my life. Come on isn’t that the highest recommendation anyone can give?

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I feel for you, Geoff, along with everyone else who has experienced the horrors of Scientology. I feel glad you understood my sarcasm.

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I am now able to enjoy humor regarding my experience. Now it is wisdom rather than trauma. I’m grateful everyday for being able to comment with you all.

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Likewise, Geoff. I would never want any of my comments to harm anyone.

I feel greatful for the Underground Bunker and all who contribute. I've learned more than I ever thought I would.

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"...my transgressions against my body" -- in Scientology, it's always your fault.

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When I did the Purification Rundown in Toronto in 1982, the doctor that approved me was also in Scientology. It makes me wonder now if he was taking a big risk in having his medical license revoked. He was approving a procedure not recognized by the Canadian Medical Association.

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Oh gosh, what to say. Not to trounce on the person's "win" over their physical body troubles, good whatever good outcome they get.

I just would never think it was the Hubbard quackery that is the reason.

But, that said, there are those that having run the "Dianetics" "narrative" (just running the this lifetime incident related to one's today's troubles) claim over and over that doing Hubbard's stuff worked for them.

But I have to think of all of the omitted details we don't know.

There are so many things Hubbard doesn't even bring up in the Scientology quackery teachings you get in Scientology.

Those other factors are major parts of why some do better, and why almost the majority get nothing at all from doing the Hubbard crapola.

Hubbard's quackery is a dull tedious failure to most suckers who do it.

That they can squeeze out a few miraculous "success" testimonials, is par for the human history of con outfits who lie false promises left right and center, and who fail to mention the other factors pro and con why some of their followers (most of whom become quitters when you tally them all up) get "success" .

Pretty dull. But I'd say a huge number of fellow Scientologists during my Scientology cult years had disabilities or human lackings which were never touched by the Hubbard quackery, never bettered.

You grow up and gain just normal adulthood wiser views about it all, despite of the Hubbard nonsense con job false promises.

Quitting the Hubbard crap, always best the sooner the better. And never join. And teach newbies about Xenu's causing the Wall of Fire and causing earth to be infested with body-thetans, so as to snarl up and activate Scientology's rejection regulations to ensure newbies are NOT accepted within Scientology. Hubbard's Xenu story is active info to spoil Scientology snatching up gullible newbies. Use Xenu to foil Scientology snatching newbies.

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"I’m inclined to think their reluctance might be, perhaps, due to the dangerous cocktail of vitamins and sauna sessions..."

-- Don't forget the treadmill runs for someone mobility impaired who could have a paralysis attack at any moment. That's extremely dangerous and shows Scientology's complete disregard for her life.

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Alex uses critical thinking which gives accurate evaluation of this women’s statements.

33 years till achieving the state of clear. And was she not directed towards proper nutrition, physical therapy and stress mitigation. I have read probably over a thousand success stories since 1968. This is what Scientology is allowing to go out? More proof, the cult is grasping for straws.

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It's not hard to picture someone taking decades to go Clear. If you have to give a lot of money to IAS, front groups, Ideal Orgs, etc. you might not have any money left for actual services/courses.

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I audited a lot of people while I worked for the COS. I never audited a disabled person. There is what is called a hidden standard meaning you judge all your auditing against this thing, in her case her disability. The auditor and CS would have to work around that and get her to attest to levels being completed based on the stated purpose of the level, not whether her disability was handled.

Plus a disability is physical, not mental so not something that would be audited away (the church would say this is not what we handle). and not something they would put in a published success story.

I am sure she feels better after all that processing. Processing makes you more aware of yourself as a thetan, more exterior. I am not saying any of this to back up this success, just stating what I think was/is happening. As her wins from the auditing fade, she will be less able to move her body. the thetan will close in on the body and she will stiffen up. That might be a good thing if she is putting excess stress on the body

I believe someone at Int will pull the SS and tell the org not to publish it for the above reason, out pr.

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