Jul 10·edited Jul 10

Go, Alex!!!! I hope this encourages folks in the US and elsewhere to also write and visit their local, state and national elected officials.

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Stan Gerson is Class VI after 51 years in Scientology. The course for a Class VI auditor, SHSBC, no longer exists, so he’s been doing nothing on the bridge so to speak for years. His recent completion is a re read of some of the stuff on the briefing course without having to suffer through the tapes.

BUT twelve years ago, Stan and his wife made an appearance that will forever be cemented in my mind.

On July 3, 2012 Alexander Jentzsch died. His mother was not informed because she had committed the “crime” of leaving Scientology. Had she known Alexander had pneumonia, she could have gotten him proper medical treatment rather than having him die because a chiropractor was giving him methadone.

So where does Stan come in? He was Alexander’s godfather. The outside world made such a stink about Alexander’s death that a memorial service was hastily arranged and Heber Jentzsch was brought out of wherever they had kept him hidden for this occasion. Stan and his wife were Heber’s handlers. Heber was then disappeared again.

Stan, your smiling face brings back those memories. Your fake smile will always remind me that a 27 year old needlessly died because of Scientology disconnection. I doubt you will ever leave, but should you ever grow a pair, you owe Karen a giant apology. As his godfather you failed.

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Can Stan Gerson pull a rabbit out of his hat and save $cientology from apostates and merchants of chaos? Nah, I didn't think so either. Any publicity about $cientology and any debate on its 'merits' (is there any such thing?) and crimes is one of the best things that any governing body can do. I look forward to more on this as the UK sorts out the new government. Well done Alex and all the people involved in this.

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First, congratulations Alex and I hope you and MP Abbott can make headway with the HRMC.

Second, this never-in would like to know what the heck 'the complete chronological books and lecture route' is. (I don't recall anything being called a route before in this context.) Anyone?

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Thank you very much!

As for your question, this is also known as the Basics - you're required to read every single book and listen to every lecture L. Ron Hubbard produced in chronological order from start to finish, and complete a course to check your understanding on each chapter. The idea is you are reading the materials in the same order LRH wrote them, so it is supposed to make more sense as you are following his discoveries along with him - which leads to a greater understanding of Scientology. I worked out once that it would take about 3 years for the average parishioner to complete the Basics - as it's often done alongside auditing, training or working for the Church.

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You're welcome!

So, let me get this straight. He's been an OT 8 for a while (it didn't say "New") and he JUST finished the Basics?

Aside: I've heard of the Basics all over the place. Why not just say that? Does this make it sound grander? Wouldn't all Scientologists know, like you did, that it's just a long ended way of saying Basics?

I will never understand why they put certain people in charge of marketing. Nor will I ever understand most of their font choices either. Eesh.

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So proud of all you are accomplishing in the U.K. Alex. Keep on keeping on!

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Incredible good work Alex.

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Why thank you, Chuck!

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Alex is amazing. 👍🏻👍🏻

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I know there's no justice in the US courts, I don't know how you'll fair on the UK, Alex, but I just learned there's an International Common Law Court in operation since 2017. Might be worth looking into. CommonLawCourt.com

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