“For an organisation that claims to promote human rights, Scientology sure are putting a lot of effort into stopping us from exercising our right to assembly.” Exactly! It’s only wrong when someone else does it.

I do love how polite British are even when angry. “I’m on war footing and I’m not messing about.” Compare to the movie Network “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.”

The protest this year will have to be perfect and peaceful. Don’t let anyone rile you. Be sure the protesters are properly briefed as to the importance of that. You’re doing amazing work Alex.

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Thank you Val!

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Good luck to Alex and other UK protesters.

The decks do indeed appear to be stacked against protesters, with the criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology having practically unlimited funds, a lot of which is collected as tax deductible, and some popular celebrities which have snared the less vary politician on many an occasion. Back in the day, UK protesters against the Co$ had good support from Liberty.

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Your bravery, dedication, and perserverence, Alex, are appreciated here in the U.S.A. as well as the U.K. Does "co$" harrass you as they have Leah Remini?

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Thank you. And yes to fair game.

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Council’s Monitoring Officer needs a few lessons in safe pointing and influence peddling. The next Monitoring Officer will need a good education in the ways of the wily clam. As for banning protests at Stain Hill, what the hell? No one threatens, outside of some occasional music, there is no disruption of the event. The only problem with the protests is the road situation. Get enough media coverage of this and maybe the locals will trim the verge and make the roadway safer. Rock on Alex, rock on.

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If the clams are so secure, what do they think a protest can do??? Except with Alex leading, they must be shaking in their shoes, haha

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The disinformation spread by Scientology is immense. Alex is very brave, courageous and persistent to keep exposing the cult. Scientology is weakened but its core is still fortified and maintained by huge amounts of money and zealots who will not give up, as it threatens their long held insanity.

Thanks Tony for the report, and thank you Alex.

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Thanks, Geoff

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Great work Alex.

I like that tacky green rug, I think the green is less pukey than the old pukey green rugs of last century.

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Thanks Chuck!

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Great report, Alex. You will conquer this. You're too intelligent and going after the Wolf like a Bear. Much love, Darling. 💜

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