Cruise is in. No story. Some day he may discover just who he is and what he has thrown away, but he’s lapping up the adulation both in and out of Scientology right now. The two worlds are not compatible, and the inevitable misstep is just around the corner. Maybe he will lose his adoring public, maybe he will lose Scientology. He’s already losing his looks and starting to look like he’s melting. He is a person made for Scientology. The type they breed and protect. If he were to leave, he’s too old to regain the humanity he may never have had in the first place. To the tabloids: if Cruise had left Scientology you’d know it, now go count how many days it’s been since Ben and Jen have been seen in public. Or find a real job.

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Huge pieces of shit have uses in the natural world. $cientology, not so much. The public relations game is built on head fakes, feints and straight out lies. Any thing to serve the purposes of the client. We have no idea if any tabloids still practice 'catch and kill', but I bet there is a nice reward for anyone killing any anti-$cieno story.

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