All seven of those people look worn down. I’m sure they are lonesome. They have dedicated themselves to a thankless task.

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Also, look like they are OT 7s or 8s, and doing their duty as Scientologists, to their "Mission."

But "Missions" are supposed to get newbies in.

All I see from the photos is one of them, one of the OT 7s or 8s mission "staff" or volunteers, is now a book auditor.

Where are the public?

No public shown in the photos, only shown are volunteer mission likely part time, if that, 'staff' who will show up to do some intro stuff.

A Mission ought to have a course room, and some packs and intro courses, and have some newbies being indoctrinated.

It's all pre operational, all these photos, like they are showing they are there.

But what are the doing? One thing is one book 1 auditor ready, supposedly, to do some book 1 auditing on some newbies, I guess?

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I got into Scientology through a mission. In the 60s and 70s It was the entry point for the majority of new members. Miscavige hated the independence of mission holders. In the early 80s the system was dismantled. The missions now are weak little coffee house meeting places for a few dedicated minions. Part of the shrinking saga of the shrinking C of S. Still they are made of die hard members and they need to be exposed.

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"Book One into the hands of 1% of the population"

What does people want to bet that this means various bOrgs and mi$$ion$ of the criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology have to buy books from Co$ central to cover that one percent, and will then be berated for not actually selling?

So, that's 33 million books in the US. Nice little earner.

One of the OG critics in the UK, Roland R-B, got suckered into paying for "What is $cientology" in enough copies to put one in each library in England.

At least, my earworm switched to Elvis going on about whether I am lonesome tonight. Much nicer than to consider these unfortunates...

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Something has to break. These guys are in their 50s. Who will replace then to care for that 66,000 square foot black building with parking for 300 but never seen with more then 2 or 3 cars?

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I am mistaken. I didn’t know there was the mission and was thinking of the Ventura Org.

I will have to make sure our Ventura protester knows about the mission and gives them some ‘randomity’ as LRH puts it.

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'Clearing the planet' was nothing more than a brilliant con job from LRH. Scientology has always had a small following and it's continually getting smaller. Anyone currently involved in Scientology who believes everyone in the world will eventually be a Scientology member, is as naive as a 5 year old.

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Absolutely, they have my pity.

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I intend it flops!!!!

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Too easy, even a never in could score it flopping.

All Scientology flops, eventually. Hubbard built it that way. Who wants to exorcise/soul-free their Xenu R6 implanted body-thetans for years and years, it's not an inviting prospect, all that exorcism ahead for all Scientologists, when most never will rise up to OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7. I never rose up that high, I only reached the bogus "Clear" level, then backtracked to Grade 0, and was stuck there til I quit.

Scientology's too big of a runway of quackery, with too much requirements, it's instensely tiresome and difficult quackery, with too many Hubbard regulations to trip over and be blamed for being incompetent at doing the Hubbard quackery.

Only the followers are to blame. Never Hubbard. Hubbard rigged it to blame the followers if the quackery fails them, LOL. And they buy this, I did, until I kind of realized the world was NOT buying Hubbard's ideas and things were just not happening per Hubbard's false promises.

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