We have something pretty special for you today, and we need to do a little work to explain what it’s all about.
Underground Bunker readers have appreciated the initiative that former Scientology London staffer Alexander Barnes-Ross has been showing in recent months, and we had a lot of fun watching him hold a three-day protest at Scientology’s IAS gala weekend at its UK headquarters, Saint Hill Manor, in East Grinstead, England, in November.
One of the results of that weekend was that we were all fairly stunned to see the gung-ho involvement of East Grinstead Mayor Frazer Visser, who was on stage on the third day of the event, during the charity ball (see the photo above).
As a result of that, Alex and others began asking questions about just how involved the East Grinstead Town Council, including the mayor, was with Scientology.
In order to find out, Alex began making some requests for information from the Council, and he tipped us that there might be something interesting going on during a January 29 Town Council meeting that would be broadcast online.
Acting on that tip, we requested to view the meeting, and we were sent a link by the Council. We watched as four members of the public, at the beginning of the meeting, asked some pretty pointed questions of the Council, and Mayor Visser shut down any further discussion of Scientology. Later, when the Council posted video of the meeting, they had cut out that portion with the questions about Scientology, and then at another point even removed any mention of it from a written description of the meeting.
Clearly, the Council was struggling with how to react to this new level of scrutiny.
In fact, we were hearing from our sources that Alex’s requests for information, and the debacle of the January meeting, had caused something of an uproar in the Council itself, and we heard that emails were flying between the Councillors about what to do about it.
That inspired your Proprietor to send the Council a request of our own, on February 23, for “Any and all internal email communications between Councillors from 31st January 2024 relating to Alexander Barnes Ross; specifically any suggestions made by Council Leader Helen Farren and/or the Town Clerk as to how to respond to the FOI requests he made relating to the redaction of Council Meeting minutes.”
The Council acknowledged our request, and let us know it would take some time to fulfill. So we waited patiently.
Then, this week, the Council sent us over a document that they said fulfilled our request.
In other words, we had hit paydirt, and we think you will find the document the Council sent us pretty interesting. We’ve asked Alex to provide some annotations to the document, which turns out to be an email from Council Leader Helen Farren to the other Councillors about Alex’s information requests.
But first, before we show you that, we wanted to show you something from the Council’s response to us, which included a paragraph that we were a bit surprised to find.
Further to the above, we have been advised on instruction to inform you that East Grinstead Town Council, now decline to respond any further on this subject. We are aware of the relationship between yourself and other parties which is clearly aimed to to disrupt Council business and cause a disproportionate and unjustified level of disruption and distress. If you are dissatisfied with this you have the right to make representation to the Information Commissioner.
Kind regards,
East Grinstead Town Council
We have to admit, this takes us aback. In the 28 years that we have been reporting on Scientology, we have only ever communicated with the East Grinstead Town Council twice. First, when we asked for that link in January to watch their online meeting. And second, when we sent in our information request.
That’s it. And now the Town Council is saying that our communications are “aimed to disrupt Council business,” and they won’t be taking any more of our calls or emails.
We’re banned in East Grinstead. Is that something or what?
“You have been reporting on Scientology since literally the year I was born,” Alex said when we showed him the letter. “Your reporting on my efforts to expose Scientology in the UK represents just one out of dozens of developing stories you have covered recently and I fail to see how the Council could reasonably assume your motive in submitting a Freedom Of Information request was to cause an ‘unjustified level of disruption and distress.’ By doing so, East Grinstead Town Council have made an unjustified attack on the ethical standard of your reporting — as well as continuing the false narrative that I am on some mission to disrupt the Council. Do my efforts not make it clear enough that my motive is, in fact, to hold those to account who are enabling and supporting the abusive, child trafficking, money laundering cult to which I once fell victim?”
Thank you, apostate friend to the Underground Bunker. Now, here is the email that our request pried out of the hands of the Council, and Alex’s annotations…
From: [redacted]
Sent: 20 February 2024 17:34
To: [redacted]
Dear all Councillors,
I must start this email by apologising for not sending an email earlier.
In honesty, the situation has been very challenging for everyone dealing with it over the last weeks and months and over recent days even more so. It has taken its toll.
[Alex: I fully appreciate this issue has caused more of a stir than anybody expected or realised when it was first raised by a local resident on Twitter back in November. However, time and time again the Council has demonstrated stark insensitivity to the toll this ordeal has had on the brave abuse survivors who are simply asking for accountability. It is the Council’s own response to our concerns that has led us to where we are now.]
We, as you all know, are not in partnership with CoS. Any suggestion otherwise is categorically untrue.
[Alex: Instead of commenting on this one, I’m just going to provide you with the evidence and let you make up your own mind. In the words of former Mayor Dick Sweatman, “The Town Council and Church of Scientology at Saint Hill work very closely together.”]
Please find below a full update on the latest situation:
— The statement was sent to [redacted] as discussed and agreed by the council Monday 5th, February.
— The complainant raised further concerns about the redaction of the public section of the Council meeting recordings. A reply was also sent — as also agreed on Monday 5th February.
— Since then, there have been 2 more FOI requests.
[Alex: I have only ever submitted four FOIs to EGTC dated 17th November, 25th November, 27th January and 1st February. I have, however, been reporting on this story as it develops on Scientology Business and on social media and quite rightly, members of the public are outraged at the Council’s behaviour and response to the concerns raised. I am not surprised in the slightest that others have followed suit in submitting FOI requests, but this comment is based on the Leader of the Council’s assumption I have orchestrated some form of FOI campaign and I would suggest perhaps she considers the alternative: that this issue has caused a great deal of concern among local residents (and the wider general public), who are also seeking accountability and greater transparency.]
— It is the reply to these extra FOI requests that have caused the upset and confusion over the weekend. The reply was received and added to the YouTube channel within half an hour.
[Alex: Well, what can I say… thanks for supporting my efforts and watching my videos! Drop me an email and I’ll give you a discount code for my merch store.]
(As I stated at the start of this email, I should have emailed you all to explain this. The timing was difficult in sending out communications to you all and to the individual and to manage the issues and wellbeing of the council officers who have had to dig deep to deal with this situation.)
[Alex: Having been a Scientology staff member, I can certainly empathise and understand the importance of wellbeing and mental health. However, I think it’s important to note that every step of the way (like when they called me a bully, for example) the Council have shown little to no regard for my wellbeing – or others like Danielle Chamberlin, who bravely stood up and shared her story of abuse at the Council meeting on 29th January. If Council officers are feeling overwhelmed or distressed by the extra work generated by this whole fiasco, perhaps they would consider my initial proposal, which still stands, of simply briefing the council on why this is an important issue and reconsidering their relationship with Saint Hill… Doing so back in November would have resulted in far less work for the Council over the preceding months.]
— As some of you are already aware, the Council Officers have taken advice from [redacted] who provide Data Protection Officer services to the Countil in respect of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and communications from one individual [redacted] which have been received during a period of 3 months by the Council and Councillors directly.
— I attended a meeting with [redacted] representatives, [redacted] and [redacted] (in the absence of [redacted]) on Monday 12 February to discuss the matter and to discuss the content related to the Council which is being used on social media on the individual’s channels and accounts.
[Alex: I’m struggling to see how, or why it is an appropriate use of public funds to pay for people’s time looking at a single member of the public’s social media accounts. Although of course I’m appreciative of the views on my videos, I would suggest it would have been better for the Council to have used this time to meet with me back in November to hear our concerns and work collaboratively to find a solution instead… But then again, these Councillors have years (in some cases decades) of experience I don’t have in public office so one would hope they would serve better judgment on such things.]
Our response subsequently was based on their advice in regards to the vexatious and bully nature of some of the correspondence we have received.
— Responses have now been sent to the latest FOI requests.
Next steps Following the response, a panel meeting has been requested under our complaint’s procedure. This is being arranged for March and the complainant has been invited to attend the Council offices (as per policy) where his complaint will be reviewed with evidence supplied by both parties. We were advised that this could be declined but I felt it was important to complete the complaints process and meet in person.
[Alex: I am thankful for the Council Leader to agree that an in-person meeting might be a more efficient way of resolving this matter; however if that is truly her view I just have to wonder why my offer to do exactly that was not taken up months ago, and instead was allowed to drag on resulting in a formal complaints procedure four months later?]
Support I understand the distressing effect this has had on some of you and [redacted]. We are doing everything we can to support colleagues during this time. Please do reach out if you would like to discuss this further.
[Alex: Let’s just contrast this to the letter I received from the Council on 16th February: “Your requests, complaint, attempts to disrupt council meeting question times as well as the bullying tactics that you have employed on members of the town council have met the threshold [..] East Grinstead Town Council now decline to respond on the basis that this and any further requests for data or complaints relating to this subject are vexatious and would cause a disproportionate and unjustified level of disruption and distress… we decline to respond to you any further on this matter.”]
On a practical level, if you feel that this matter has impacted you on a personal level it would be helpful to make a note of this in a written personal statement, should you need any advice on this please email [redacted] and the appropriate Council officer will contact you.
In addition, if you feel it is appropriate you can also report any harassment be this on-line, verbally or in writing to Sussex Police via their online reporting service.
[Alex: Firstly, was it really necessary to use bold type, here? To me, this could almost be interpreted as the Leader of the Council suggesting or even encouraging her colleagues to report me to the Police.
Secondly, this only demonstrates the Council’s ignorance and need for education on Scientology’s Fair Game tactics I (and so many others) are subjected to on a daily basis. Since I started speaking out I have received a constant barrage of hate messages and attack videos on social media – and last week I even got my first death threat. Scientology have issued lengthy statements to the press describing me as an anti-religious bigot who is attempting to exploit my “few weeks” of participation in the Church and that I’m now part of a hate group online. Some of the more notable tweets I’ve received recently include “you are nothing but an attention whore”, “alex is butthurt cuz he got kicked out, twice lol” and “This is a disgusting lie and shows what a hateful little person you are.”…. If East Grinstead Town Council genuinely consider 4 FOI requests and my polite emails asking for accountability to be harassment, it only makes it clearer how ill-informed they are on how the organisation they are publicly defending treats its former members.. and why I am fighting so hard to educate them on the reality of the cult in their own backyard.]
Working together I am aware there has been some division amongst some councillors.
[Alex: Although he is yet to release an official statement, it might be worth noting this email is dated 20th February, just 3 days before John Dabell handed in his resignation as Councillor.]
To reiterate, East Grinstead town council are not in partnership with CoS. Any suggestion otherwise is categorically untrue.
I have taken the time to speak to some of you including the less vocal councillors amongst us and I am pleased so many have supported and are in agreement with the action taken.
[Alex: “I have taken the time to speak to some of you” …but not to speak with me, or any members of the public who have voiced their concerns?]
It is important that we work together and follow the expert advice we have been provided to bring about a successful resolution to this issue.
[Alex: “It is important that we work together” No kidding – this is what I’ve been calling for since my first contact with the Council back in November! I am certainly no expert, but my suggestion is that the Council reviews who they are getting their advice from.. This matter could’ve been resolved so much quicker and easier by simply agreeing to a briefing and listening to local residents. And I’m still struggling to grapple the concept of any official body advising or even supporting a Town Council taking such an aggressive, vicious response to very valid concerns about a local issue with national significance.]
To that effect, it is strongly advised that individuals avoid using social media and other channels to discuss the issue.
[Alex: At least they’re being equal to both sides and not just trying to silence the victims.]
And in line with that we will not be putting out a further public statement at this time.
To reiterate, please note the following information:
— Councillors are advised not engage with this individual either in writing or on social media, please note that communications may come from other individuals/sources as well.
[Alex: Again, the Leader of the Council is continuing the narrative that I am orchestrating some form of planned attack involving multiple people which is simply not the case. The concerns I’ve raised are legitimate and frankly worrying, and I understand it may be a hard pill for the Council to swallow but it has gained public interest – it’s not just me.]
— We have been advised by the ICO (Information Commissioner’s Office) to collate evidence, as it could be required should the individual make a complaint to the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) in respect of any Freedom of Information (FOI) requests which we have responded to under section 14(1) of the FOIA Dealing with vexatious requests (section 14) ICO
— Any communications received connected to this matter should be forwarded to the council to retain as evidence, if the communication is in the form of a phone call a note should be made of this and again forwarded to the council to retain as evidence. Please send to [redacted], the [redacted] email account.
Please contact me if you have any queries and I will ensure that any more communications you are notified in a more timely manner. I will also report to all councillors the outcome of the complaint when the meeting has taken place and any other conversation that is had at that time to assist in this matter.
Kind regards, [redacted]
[Alex: I can confirm that since this email was written, the ICO have launched an investigation into the Council’s rejection of my FOI request and I will be sure to provide you with updates as this progresses.]
What is the surest sign that East Grinstead's Town Council is under too much influence of the Church of Scientology? That it has reacted so clumsily to merely being asked about it, for one thing.
We're glad that our polite request resulted in the disclosure of this email, which pretty clearly demonstrates the panic in the Council over Alex's requests for information.
Perhaps if they spent more energy investigating Scientology and what it is doing in East Grinstead, and less time erasing meeting minutes and banning reporters, they might learn something really important and useful about their charming little town.
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My opinion regarding the East Grinstead city council. Follow The Money. Somewhere, Scientology is using leverage over some local vendors or suppliers who are pressuring the city council.
Willful ignorance is no excuse.
East Grinstead town council seems to think that by putting their heads in the sand and chanting 'nah,nah, nah....' ad infinitum Alex and his FOI requests will go away. How butthurt is that?