What an asshole. Can't really sum this guy up any other way.

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How butt hurt is Tommy Davis to accost 2 witnesses? Oh, your name was mentioned. Your past actions were made public. Your name was again linked to the CO$. I guess history isn't all its made out to be.

Why was Davis in NYC anyway? Did he have some real 'business' or was he watching the trial for his dark lord?

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"We’ll let you know if he gets back to us." Right-o. Obviously, nobody is holding their breath. He's a piece of $hit and doesn't have the balls to do anything except ambush people. I'm curious if this info is taken to the judge and what, if anything, is done or put on the record about it?

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Nov 9, 2022

Tommy? Look, here comes a consequence . . .

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Tommy said to Alissa, “I always protected you and your sisters.”

Protected them from WHAT?

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Davis said: I always protected you. What is he implying? Is there potential blackmail if they continue to testify?

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“Slithery PR man” nailed it!

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Tommy Davis actually thinks he is untouchable. I can’t wait for Karma to come for him!

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CoS keeps playing this fair gaming on people, someones going to fair game their ass.

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Leah wrote: "Tommy is a slithery PR man, a serial cheater, a pathological liar, a chief enabler of Tom Cruise and David Miscavige, and an obstructer of justice. "

Why is she holding back? Leah needs to tell us what she really thinks! ;)

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Actually, doesn’t it look like an OSA stunt?

Threatening warning for ANY upcoming witnesses?

By approaching these 2 witnesses, they knew it would be published in the Underground Bunker.

The message:

We know where you are, we will come for you and we are pissed.

What ego!!!! It’s pretty sad actually.

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The wheels of justice may be turning slowly, but they ARE turning!

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Wow Tommy better get a hold of himself and get some auditing done. Should be a fun time at the closing arguments!!

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