Tony, thank you many times over for your coverage. I have great respect for your continued intention to see justice done. If there is such a thing as th Golden Journalists Award you deserve it.

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Their wrists can’t even hurt from that teeny little slap. Oh well, sanctions are sanctions. I take pleasure in knowing that both Applebaum and Meserau probably shelled out 10x that or more just for the initial hearing and will be paying for an appeal as well, so the sanctions are chicken feed in the overall cost of this hearing. I have little doubt the Bar will hear about this somehow, mandatory reporting or not, whether they choose to act is another thing.

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30 pages? Woof. $950...agreed very

Disappointing. I still love Judge Olmedo! 💜

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I respect Olmedo but question the sanction. Why wouldn't she want them reported? What don't we know?

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Just because she didn’t force them to be reported, her ruling clearly points a finger which anyone harmed by the leak could use to report should they be so inclined. It would hold more power if an injured party reported. That may have been her thinking.

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"August 4....a big day on the calendar" 👍

Thank you Tony for helping keep us updated. 🌹

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Tony, go home! You've got a green tree growing out of your head on the video!

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It is outrageous! They showed themselves and proved that the CofS is exactly what the former members are reporting. That's the real punishment. They look ridiciulous in the light of day ☀️🦗🦗🦗

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Would be good if the court allowed cameras for the sentencing.

More people that know about it the better and its bound to attract more if its live on camera!

Thanks Tony

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Well that's underwhelming. I still really like Judge Olmedo. Thanks Tony

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Dangit. Much as I love J. O., I'm frustrated that people associated with Scientology (and Scientology) keep getting away with their shenanigans.

Tony, thanks for keeping on top of this, and for extending your stay to keep bringing us the news from the front!

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I feel Cohen wants the sentencing on the same day with the belief his motions will overturn the verdict--in his dreams!!!!

Holley mentioned previously, she was in touch with Vicky P--well, I feel there's the smoking gun. My theory is she and Cohen thought they'd get another mistrial. So glad Olmedo didn't fall for it.

Why didn't Olmeda put Cohen and Holley under oath? Why wasn't the DA who received the email and the LAPD Officer, brought in. Had they, couldn't Vicky P have been brought in too?

It's seems there are missing pieces and I feel $950 each is a slap on the hands. Will that prevent them from doing it again??? None of the defense attorneys admitted to leaking the documents and I don't feel satisfied with the outcome. So why didn't Olmedo want a report going the BAR for further investigation? I bet the $950 doesn't even include legal fees.

I feel they should all be charged. Messereau's atty was just speaking jibberesh, as far as I'm concerned.

Looking forward to more of your reports, Tony, and of course, August 4th.

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Whether Scn comes out of this police investigation depends upon just how objective the police are. If some of them work for (and take money from) Scn, there may be a problem. See: https://truenews.media/2022/11/13/does-scientology-control-the-lapd/

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Should have fined them $10,000 each and disbarred both of them!!

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Such bullsh*t that the fine is below the threshold... 😡

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I don't remember where I saw this or heard but I remember hearing that if it was over $1,000 that gave those slimy people the ability to actually hold a trial over being sanctioned and that's why it was below $1,000. Because let's be honest if the Church of Scientology could help those attorneys fight this they would they will. But again I'm not certain that this is a fact I just read it or heard it.

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