Thank you Tony! I'm sorry, but on this one I disagree with the Judge. This obstruction of Justice is KEY! The Jury has a right to understand how this actually went down. 🌹
I think the only reason it can't come in is because JD1 never brought it up that she felt pressured by Presley to not report to the LAPD. I suppose that makes sense, because then they might want to bring back JD1 to testify to that part of it, and her testimony is done. If Mueller would've known about this before Friday (and before JD1 testified), then I would imagine it would've been brought up during direct examination when JD1 was on the stand. Unfortunately, it just wasn't by a sheer stroke of bad luck, it seems.
I agree that it would be very important for the jury to hear that. Unfortunately, it wasn't brought up when JD1 testified, because it wasn't known until this past Friday by the prosecution. Just unfortunate timing. If the civil case goes to trial though, I imagine we'll be hearing about this quite a bit more, assuming the statute of limitations for Presley's participation has indeed passed (don't think she can get immunity in a civil case, but I could be wrong). I certainly hope more becomes known about this situation, one way or another.
Who’s going to hold Scientology responsible for what they’ve done? Not only the individuals, but the institutional culture and policies also. This news is great. I caught it in the discussion. So this leaves it wide open for Scientology to be charged with crime. There’s been other times during this trial too that I’ve run across opportunities. Why doesn’t the government move on them??? I know of people being held prisoner right now who can’t get out at the Gold base. They know I know and they are
Thank you. I called the police and the FBI. They could care less: they’ve heard this story so many times. They need proof. Well...they didn’t ask. 😳🙄😠😑😬
I’m already being harassed because I posted about this. More phone calls, more hacking. Just be careful with Instagram and TikToc. They are dangerous. And set up to scam you. Bad. Somewhere along the line this Scamming goon hacked me. I know who he is. So does Tictok. It ain’t over till it’s over, right???
So sad that they have gotten away with things like this for so long. Maybe as more and more people keep making noise, someone will be willing to make the effort to give it whatever it takes.
Presumably any criminal case against Scientology or one of their goons based upon these same facts would now be statute barred by effluxion of time however.
Obstruction of justice! That Civil Suit is going to be 🔥
Can you imagine all the stuff jurors find out AFTER trials that are not admissible? You are an excellent resource btw :-)
You are one AWESOME reporter!
Thanks Tony, I was trying to figure out why she would plead the 5th
Great job Tony.
Thank you Tony! I'm sorry, but on this one I disagree with the Judge. This obstruction of Justice is KEY! The Jury has a right to understand how this actually went down. 🌹
I think the only reason it can't come in is because JD1 never brought it up that she felt pressured by Presley to not report to the LAPD. I suppose that makes sense, because then they might want to bring back JD1 to testify to that part of it, and her testimony is done. If Mueller would've known about this before Friday (and before JD1 testified), then I would imagine it would've been brought up during direct examination when JD1 was on the stand. Unfortunately, it just wasn't by a sheer stroke of bad luck, it seems.
The "church" of Scientology directly
Obstructed factual information. Sorry, ...I'll stay out of it as this kind of thing, (having worked with OSA)
Drives me nuts. I pass to you, Mick & others. Love to you all 💕
I agree that it would be very important for the jury to hear that. Unfortunately, it wasn't brought up when JD1 testified, because it wasn't known until this past Friday by the prosecution. Just unfortunate timing. If the civil case goes to trial though, I imagine we'll be hearing about this quite a bit more, assuming the statute of limitations for Presley's participation has indeed passed (don't think she can get immunity in a civil case, but I could be wrong). I certainly hope more becomes known about this situation, one way or another.
I know, I was disappointed with that, but I think Mick is right about why
This is freaking huge. If the civil case goes to trial and she testifies, that’s going to be even more huge.
This just keeps getting better and better.
I started listening at the beginning to just hear that first one. Just that news. Damnit.
The cliffhangers throughout this trial. Exciting stuff
Who’s going to hold Scientology responsible for what they’ve done? Not only the individuals, but the institutional culture and policies also. This news is great. I caught it in the discussion. So this leaves it wide open for Scientology to be charged with crime. There’s been other times during this trial too that I’ve run across opportunities. Why doesn’t the government move on them??? I know of people being held prisoner right now who can’t get out at the Gold base. They know I know and they are
what’s happening , but I haven’t done a thing to help. I’m afraid to do anything that might make him be discovered and get him hurt.
Will be praying that they will be able to escape
Thank you. I called the police and the FBI. They could care less: they’ve heard this story so many times. They need proof. Well...they didn’t ask. 😳🙄😠😑😬
I’m already being harassed because I posted about this. More phone calls, more hacking. Just be careful with Instagram and TikToc. They are dangerous. And set up to scam you. Bad. Somewhere along the line this Scamming goon hacked me. I know who he is. So does Tictok. It ain’t over till it’s over, right???
So sad that they have gotten away with things like this for so long. Maybe as more and more people keep making noise, someone will be willing to make the effort to give it whatever it takes.
Presumably any criminal case against Scientology or one of their goons based upon these same facts would now be statute barred by effluxion of time however.
$hit! 😢😢
Holey crap!!!! That is just amazing, what a shame she won’t be able to testify about it in this trial!!!
I can totally feel your your excitement coming through my PHONE 😊😊😊
I would love it if it meant that Lisa Marie Presley would finally publicly distance herself or renounce the church.
Bombshells!!!! Thanks for all the heard work!!
Thank you for the link!
This is wild! And disappointing.