As someone with thousands of hours volunteering for the Red Cross including helping run a shelter during some SoCal wildfires this continues to make me more and more angry.

I spent a lot of time going through classes to get properly trained in various areas before I was even sent out to help with house fires or small HazMat situations let alone a wildfire shelter. I helped with comms too, but that was things like updating the website with the latest information on how to get or give help, which shelters were taking on pets, etc.

Did we have people doing interviews with the press? Yes. Was it to talk about how wonderful we were? No. It was to help the press get out the most current information possible. [As these fires demonstrate, sometimes paths changed so we would have to sometimes evacuate one shelter and set it up somewhere safer.]

They have no business being out there and could be causing imminent harm to the residents, first responders, and real disaster relief orgs.

This latest evidence just... grr.

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I had a friend who did this for a living, relief to firefighters at big fires. It is dangerous work. These people had military backgrounds and years of experience.

Having these VM wandering around giving assists is a distraction and a liability.

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I am so angry right now. I have a friend who lost his house as did his mother next door. These people should be barred from any place that offers help. They are stealing supplies and just getting in the way.

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With over 10 thousand homes destroyed and 10 of thousands of people now sleeping in shelters, it is an 'opportunity for PR'? How freaking mindless is it to play yellow shirt minister just take pictures of bogus 'help'? My blood would boil but it is zero degrees here and I have to get the trash and recycleing out before the blizzard gets any worse. FU $cientology.

Will the LA TV stations and press notice this $cieno bullsh*t? I don't expect the LA Times to even notice the yellow shirts of cowardliness and giftedness.

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Booh! for the vultures of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology.

Yay!!!! for Anons of project Chanology.

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Xenu word, body-thetans word, are panacea workhorse words in life, simply, and always will be, since Hubbard left these words to pierce into the Scientology operations.

"Xenu's Body-Thetans Exorcism Ministers"

Or simply "Xenu Ministers"

It's easy to counter everything Scientology Hubbard tries to disseminate, just add Xenu and body-thetans, and for a nice topping, add that OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 are the Xenu's body-thetans exorcism steps of upper and no longer secret Scientology.

Thankyou Xenu! Rather thankyou Hubbard, for this self caused word problem.

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Wow a Historic Opportunity for Scientology??? I intend that guy looks back on himself after he's out and realizes how insane he sounds! What about all the OTs? Why aren't they stopping the fires?

Oh, yes, and also using it for a donation campaign. I mean does this bullshit never stop??? Obviously, there are no agencies to help unless you're rich. Does anybody see through the holes. No government is going to save anyone. No agency is going to step in to say Scientology has to be stopped. It's up to people to walk away and say enough is enough.

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There is a personality type that specializes in using donations and acts of selflessness to cover their actual endeavors, think Dr. Jekyll, Walter White, and Dexter. The COS has this personality trait as an organization.

They love to tout their good deeds and humanitarian objectives while making sure family members cannot visit or talk to a loved one because they (the church) have some old beef going on and they will not let it go.

They don't care if the person is taking their last breath and the beef is so insignificant the church doesn't even remember what it was about.

They don't lose a minute of sleep over kids separated from their parents, wives, and husbands broken up because of their lies.

And this is one small category of all the travesty they engage in, all the while glad-handing the LA police department and unsuspecting senators.

They have whole courses and books on dealing with this personality type so it might behoove them to crack those books once in a while, find their mu's (misunderstood words), and apply that sh#$#kt.

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17 years. If anyone wants to know how much impact that singular video and the subsequent Anonymous-Scientology movement had on the masses should watch the incredibly good show, Mr. Robot (staring Rami Malek and created/written/directed by Sam Esmail). Esmail's production company is named, "Anonymous Content", ffs.

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I wrote this because I felt the rest of the world wasn't getting how bad it was in LA. This has nothing to do with SCN and no, they do not have my permission to use it.

Why the LA Wildfires should matter to all of us.

I woke up this morning feeling sad. I didn’t have any immediate reason to be sad. It was a cold, winter day in Atlanta but I was warm with money in checking and good plans for the coming months.

I realized there was this whole tragedy unfolding in Los Angeles and it was so big and so devastating that I could only look quickly at the news before retreating to my little world.

I think many people may be feeling the same way. This is terrible that these actors and business executives are losing their homes and, in some cases, their lives. For me, it is not something I can relate to. I never knew anyone who lost their home in a fire, not even anything comparable. Some toast caught fire in my toaster once. That is as close as I come.

But imagine your home, your neighbor’s home, the people down the street’s home, and the local coffee shop are all gone. Your anchor points and memories are wiped out in an afternoon.

Because this is on the other side of the country or the world, it is easy to dismiss the devastation and move on to more immediate concerns.

The people affected by these fires face months or years of rebuilding. Many may feel they can’t risk another disaster and choose to relocate far from their perfectly situated Hollywood and Los Angeles homes, close to the studios.

I haven’t seen this yet, but I expect because people tend to lack empathy on the internet, some will say “These are actors, movie executives, people with good jobs and great homeowners’ insurance. They will be fine.”

Additionally, some may say “These people receive a million dollars for a few months of work. They have ideal lives. Half the time they are off eating brunch on Sunset Blvd.”

I am not an actor, but I have met people who earn their living this way. It is tightrope walking. Everyone is impressed to see you do it but once you fall off, “Well, that was bound to happen. We told him.”

And like tightrope walking, you are invigorated, even exhilarated but never fully comfortable. Your job might last a year, it might end next week.

The good income that is paying for this beautifully renovated bungalow, mid-century, or mission revival can dry up overnight, and the big monthly nut, schools, assistants, security, et al is bearing down on you like a freight train.

So here are these hard-working actors, directors, movie and television personnel. To get to this place where they had the fantastic home in the hills or the palisades, they had to go to 1 million auditions, get rejected nearly as many times, finally land a role or two, and THEN start really putting in the work.

They had to get up every day at 3:00 Am, work all day, drag home after dark, go through some long beauty ritual, and begin again the next day.

They had to work in environments that weren’t always safe. I just finished watching The Fall Guy (a terrific film with Ryan Gosling and Emily Blunt) that shows how haphazard and dangerous movie sets can be.

They had to endure vast amounts of criticism from people who couldn’t introduce their boss at a Shriner’s meeting let alone act in a feature film.

They did all this and much more so you could be entertained. Think Mandy Moore in This is Us or as Vincent Chase’s crush in Entourage, Eugene Levy in American Pie, and how you had to see the next episode of Schitt’s Creek before everyone else so you could dish. Think Paris Hilton in overalls on a farm, Adam Brody with his teen angst in the OC, and on and on.

These actors, the writers and directors who worked with them sparked your imagination and fueled your fantasies. You picked out outfits so you could emulate their coolness. You used their expressions and shared their stories.

Now these people and others face the insurmountable task of putting their lives back together.

Even though these fires are not headed for your neighborhood, you can still help. There are many resources needed now and in the coming months and years. After the press moves on to the next disaster, the people of Los Angeles will still need your help.

Consider it your thank-you gift, a way of showing appreciation for those episodes that convinced your girlfriend you were the real deal, or the show you watched with your kid where they started opening up and telling you what was really going on.

Here are some organizations you can contribute to: The American Red Cross, (text CAWILDFIRES90999 to donate) California Community Foundation, (www.calfund.org), California Fire Foundation (https://cpf.salsalabs.org/disasterrelief/index.html), or the charity of your choice.

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"felt the rest of the world wasn't getting how bad it was in LA."

It is still bad. Castaic is on fire now. Went from 50 acres to 500 in a matter of minutes. Granted it is burning quite north of heavily residential areas such as Santa Clarita, Saugus, and Valencia, this may test the County's resources again.

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Yes, my relative who has house in Los Feliz told me "We made it through the first fire, it was blocks away. Now we are bracing for more winds and a second fire!" That is like living in real life horror movie.

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Jan 21
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If Scientology is expanding as much as they say every year, and with all these new Ideal Orgs allegedly creating exponential expansion, they should have enough people in the non-affected areas just in California alone to handle this, well more than enough if you add in the surrounding states.

Scientologists: Ask yourself why they are struggling to get enough people to help that they are asking people to come in from other countries?

Also, why do they think it's a good idea to tax the already strained infrastructure and limited resources to support non-local volunteers coming in who will need new transportation, lodging, food, etc. that should go to those who just lost their homes?

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"The IAS is funding this huge relief now." Oh sure it is.

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Not ever. I know, I was the Lead VM for Santa Barbara Org. Never saw a dime from them during any VM events I organized, for the VM van, for any disaster relief. I had to raise the money myself.

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I would more expect them to swoop down and scoop up any donations that they were not already controlling. Watching every dime .... regging heavily for the cause and putting it all in their pocket.

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