That really is a form of abuse. From birth, a child is raised to act in certain ways. If they are told they absolutely have to be a certain thing when they grow up, like, say, the leader of Scientology instead of a pilot like Quentin,or even the monarch of a country, like the royal family, it would not be good for their mental health.

On a lighter note, there is a typo in the Moorpark promo, that should read Matt Plesch…resignededly signs his mission staff contract.

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Bruce Hines understands the $cieno practice of predestination. As for all of those past lives, I call total bovine excrement on that meme. Just tell someone they have past lives and introduce some device to push that thought and see what comes out.

Be it a crystal ball or an e-meter, the swami of stupidication can get a few of the marks to jump into that boat. All of $cientology is based on getting those few who can be guided into the $cieno mind set into the Clampire. Be it for money or fealty, the end product is a programmed minion who tries to sell the Hubster's scam to others.

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I appreciate Bruce’s story. The dogma of Scientology guarantees you won’t access spiritual freedom.

The fictional Hubbard narratives make improving our mental stability and sanity next to impossible.

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