LRH was an only child, so I wonder who on his track was the older sister that beat him up a lot; because that excerpt had a lot of bitterness and/or resentment in it.

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A big try, if not a particularly nice one. I still absolutely will not admire any of the offal spewed from El Rhum Flubbard’s incontinent orifices.

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"So the two kinds of processing which are extremely basic, of course, are Explosions and Admiration." Lron discovers the basis for all Fast and Furious movies. And pretty much any movie with Tom Cruise and any other action hero. Milla Jovovich don't need no swords, she can kick butt with the best of any men. Be ashamed Lroon, be very shamed.

I hope all of the Tampa area Bunkeroos keep their heads down and sand bag where proper. After all of the damage of last weeks storm surge, there isn't a lot of room for more junk in the road. As for all of the area OTs 'admiring' the storm. What the hell is wrong with you?

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Once again I have no idea if my daughter Julia will stay or evacuate. She lives about 20 blocks north of Flag, so any updates from those on the ground who chose to shelter in place would be much appreciated. At least she is not on the beach. This is hell for a mother.

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17 hrs ago·edited 17 hrs ago

Great Hubbard quackery theory on admiration. It ties in with just pop psychology of soothing the wicked, or the 'strange bedfellows' adoption by strange quackery oriented persons.

Hubbard was just mentally off, and delved into all sorts of counter intuitive nonsense. Like, would an OT Scientologists "admire" their executioner, well, oddly, yes, as the whole group of close associates to Miscavige went on camera to give glowing positive statements about Miscavige, which are on the Scientology media website.

Placating evil people to get them cooled off, even happens in what I'd call positive historical Hubbard moments when for instance in Kima Douglas' short writings she tells how he shushed Hubbard when he was irate and in pain, by giving him toast and tea or some such, and giving him soothing chatter.

Getting admiration seems to have worked soothing Hubbard, from time to time.

Amplifying admiration to spirits responsible for bad weather in the world, I think OT Scientologists certainly would be game to engage in that nonsense. Postulating at those spirits causing bad weather, kind of right up Hubbard's growing up with Native Americans being known to influence weather, it's kind of up Hubbard's alley of thinking.

I witnessed when I was a door to door sales person, that flattery does "work" to get the customer warmed up for the pitch.

I always flatter the fast food employees profusely when I get my burgers and fries super fast. People like being flattered.

Praying subserviently to one's God also seems a kind of holy admiration of the supernatural strength and power of certain types of God.

Admiration topic goes all over the place and it's why in the end Hubbard's quackery angle to tying in normal human psychological tactics into the supernatural powers angle that Hubbard was selling with the Scientology "OT powers" procedures, Hubbard always pumping out theory roping in people to do his "auditing" pseudo-therapy and his exorcism/soul-freeing quackery.

Yes, get to shelter, follow authorities advice to vacate the area. Skip being anti rain makers by using the Hubbard "admiring tech" employed on the spirits out in the environment who are causing the hurricanes.

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Is that what they call what Jennie at LAX and crew did? Is that how they treat protesters? Is that how they treat Valerie Haney? Is that how they treat any person who has ever filed a lawsuit against Scientology? Is that what they are doing to the Masterson accusers?

The problem with Hubbard policy is that you can find one that says “never defend, always attack” right next to one saying admiration is uptone and that’s what you do. He didn’t know what he was talking about so it was easy to make it up as he went, and with mountains of words, who had the time (or courage) to question what he said.

Now they pull this policy out. If the hurricane reroutes, the people who were forced to stay will be used as the reason. If it hits land there, not only are they in its path of destruction, they will be hurt by the storm, and then punished for “allowing” an act of nature to occur.

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What? …..because her shoulders hinge differently….

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I just want to see a hurricane so big they name it after two previous storms: Milton-Berle....

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I worked with Hubbard directly. From that I deduced why he viewed admiration as the “ most valuable particle in the universe”. It was very clear to me.

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I'd love to see the OTs stop hurricanes and the destruction of the planet, while they're at it!

However, watch this short video on how hurricanes are controlled.


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IMO this video shows nothing conclusive.

Here is more information regarding the experiment to control hurricanes.


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such misogyny! It is nearly the end of my ex-husband, the OT 8,) life. all of postulating didn't help. He is on heavy pain medications. He thinks he will be reincarnated. One of my daughters said to him: "you might come back as a woman!" He was not amused. There is a quote from Cardone supporting drumpf's lies about FEMA in today's news.

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