This may just be my personal view, but it makes sense to me that Scientology makes people into addicts, not if drugs, but addicts of Scientology itself.

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Sunny, your personal view is verified by many experienced cult therapists. I came to that conclusion when I started seriously deprogramming. I call myself an ex-cultiholic. Was a good place to start for me.

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This point!

And it aligns with Crowley's influence on Hubtard and his belief in his right,

hell, his CALLING, to do as he pleased, the gods be damned; all for Hubbard, and

Hubbard for Hubbard, ramen!

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"It is from that place that the abuses and atrocities can occur and that is why we have to push back."

It's been a really slow process of unraveling from my tens of years in this cult. It is only recently that I can reflect on the degree with which this "church" owned me. I felt like I was done with it after I had done the whole damn Bridge in 1989. But even after that when IT called I went. "You need to come in and do...." Fill in the blank. I would do it. The only thing I held out on for almost twenty years was redoing OT 7. They worked on me in various ways from 1996 to 2005 to come in and do this nonsense again.

It was either the one of the worst mistake I ever made or one of the best mistakes. Because going in in 2005 and starting OT 7 again was the beginning of the end for me. Five more years of heavy mental abuse for me, but I was DONE and then out.

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That was the sentence I was to highlight, too.

For all the manifest failures of the Hubbard “system,” it cultivates a mindset that turns its practitioners into victims and perpetrators of a mind-fuck. The abuse, the undue influence, the money grubbing is the point, not an unfortunate side effect of excess enthusiasm.

While enthusiasts see things differently, the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology wastes no time in turning enthusiasm into fanaticism. KSW requires radicalisation...

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have you earned super powers 😁?

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Chris, as usual your points are cogent and very understandable. Thank you for the article.

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Thank you so so much Chris.

Great post.

I Appreciate You.

Poor Katie.

Spokeswoman for miscavige and Cult Scientology.🤑💔

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Bravo, Chris! Such a fantastic writer.

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Hublard Peanut Butter: we use only FRESH, ARSLYKAN-GROWN, THETA PEANUTS!


Get yours today!

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Why are some Clams coming forward and 'defending' their 'chirch'? Is this a new phenomenon or is it being orchestrated by the Overlords? Or is it just some 'project' that is being tried out? I welcome any real discussion between the minions and the general public. Some may get that flash of light and start working themselves out of their thralldom.

Nice write up Chris, you nailed the 'cultic mindset' quite well.

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While I never protested or entered into dialogue with victims of the mind-fuck perpetrated by the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology I made an effort to be polite when engaged in conversation. In the early days of internet protests, some victims were sent out to engage protesters in conversation, transparently so as to waste time, but this stopped 😈

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Never protested with a view to convert...

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Thanks Chris. I found the interview fascinating and/or nauseating at the same time. Sigh.

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Chris, I am used to hearing you speak on your YouTube channel and podcast, and I enjoy both. Now that I've read a couple of your guest posts, I want to compliment your writing as well. Your thoughtfulness comes across in all media.

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Wasn’t it interesting also that she said that one should have taken Lisa Mcpherson to hospital sooner, and also sedated her?!

Don’t think that is a popular point of view in Scientology.

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Thanks Chris, I found this very interesting.

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Chris is such an insightful individual. I love his analyses. Thanks for this, Chris and Tony!

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This interview is astonishing. It’s had 20,000 views. My god, what a bombshell!

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amazing article Chris

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Mar 2, 2023
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exactly my point

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