I’m going to vent a little. I worked with Hubbard for a few month in 1974. There is no ———- way that was an imposter. This points up to me how unhinged some of these “indie” Scientologists are. Specifically Max Hauri.

Hubbard and I played a song together, among many of our interactions. He sang I played guitar. That was so indicative of Hubbard and all the tapes I listened to prior to 1974. The theory that somehow Hubbard was replaced is sheer lunacy. And points up how important it is to understand the brainwashing in Scientology and how it warps reality. And understand how much Hubbard plagiarized earlier religious and spiritual philosophy’s. He was not SOURCE.

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If any 'Indie' Orgs are booming, it is because of good salesmanship and friendly attitudes of the workers. People respond to friendliness much better than a regimented, supercilious approach that is the hallmark of corporate Clamatology. As for the 'tech', it borrows so much from other sources and its '$cieno ethics' that eventually everyone in Corporate $cientology eventually leaves. All because everyone sees the vulture nature of Miscavige's mOrgs.

Salesmanship in the Corporate $cientology is nearly dead. Using video kiosks to get new meat in the grinder is ridiculous. Real salesmanship seems to be kept only at the Advanced mOrgs and Clearwater. Where the vultures prey on the remaining loyal minions. As every $cientologist is budding FSM, the ability to prey on each other has reached some hilarious and criminal heights. The Chase Wave being only the most recent revelation of the vulture wars. The Lembergers are doing well because they treat each of their students as people and not monetary units.

The replacement of Lron in 1973 is equal to the old adage of 'if the führer only knew what was going on, he'd fix it'. The great guru is perfect, and any crimes, problems or missteps are the result of bad actors taking over the enterprise.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

Given all the claims in some sections of QAnon , asserting that almost anyone who is anyone has been replaced at least once, it is not surprising that Ron was replaced. Indeed, he was likely replaced before he could return. And perhaps only Heber knows how many times Miscavige has been replaced.

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This sounds kind of QAnon-adjacent. Aren't they always claiming that some politician or another has been replaced by a body double?

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2

In 1972, I'd been in Scientology for two years, and enjoyed the community while doing my best to enjoy the techology. For the most part, staff and public were friendly and the tone of the org (ASHO Fdn) was upbeat and hustling. So if that's what the Indie-world is like, good for them.

As for the technology post-1972, I saw many changes come down, some of it incredibly detrimental (Method 4 word clearing of all meanings of words ... OMG my Briefing Courrse Students students woud up bogging).

However, there's an advantage to ignoring anything post 1972 and that's the original OT levels through "Full OT7", which I did. They were, by far, more enjoyable than the new ones, although I didn't do anything beyond the new OT5 which (for me) involved me mocking up BTs in order to get rid of them. The focus on BTs in the new OT levels shifts responsibility for personal problems onto another source, which (again for me) fails to take responsibility for oneself. In retrospect, I suspect Hubbard was on drugs when he wrote the new OT levels.

So: to you Indies out there: if you want to truly enjoy your OT levels, use the ones that were in place before the new levels were released. And for those of you who want to learn what Hubbard was disseminating, do the Briefing Course.

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Thankyou for the clear explanation, this article is self explanatory.

Thanks for bringing up that even Capt Bill believed LRH was alive, clearly, after 72-73.

And of course Janis Gillham Grady interacted with Hubbard and never for a second thought it was not him in those years after 73.

I hope Max settles this sensibly, he's otherwise a pretty sensible person.

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One way to resolve LRH's death date, just make public ALL of LRH's never released private "LRH originals" manuscripts and tapes.

Just release publicly the "LRH originals" category of LRH output, period.

That would include all of the final years traffic to INCOMM, to Int Base management, to ASI, to RTC and to CST.

All LRH private "originals" traffic, just release it publicly.

A huge point that just goes in one ear and out the other, is the "compilations" traffic from LRH, where he ordered things compiled.

EXAMPLE: One of the 7 or 8 separate LRH despatches which mention the "routing forms" (1982 orders/advices from LRH) were compiled into a policy letter of 1984, by Phoebe Mauer. One of the 8 "routing forms" despatches is the depatch addressed to Phoebe directly from LRH. Phoebe was like the all time final best "compiler" of LRH's orders, turning them into bulletins or into policy letters, all per LRH's directions.

The whole history of the final compilations, including cleaning up today, still, any poorly executed compilations, ALL is based and guided by LRH's "compilations related orders". LRH explained how to do it, and around what material to use to make the final compiled issue.

This just isn't something the average Scientologist even knows about, Hubbard never made this compiling something the followers were let in on this secret.

Phoebe Mauer compiled the "Routing Forms, How to Write One" policy letter of 1984, among other LRH bulletins and policy letters, all of them at LRH's direction and following LRH's compilation rules.

It's just a fact, and sadly, today's splinter Scientology freezone and Ron's Org groups, none of those groups have first person people to explain this to them so they accept it.

It's still not accepted by the freezone, that LRH ordered bulletins and policy letters compiled.

But LRH did.

To prove this, again, ALL of LRH's "LRH originals" need be released, so all the average lower Scientologists unaware and skeptical of the final years of bulletins and policy letters, at least hear what LRH said to do.

One of the Author Services Inc "advices" is the only place LRH uses a two word all important phrase:

"timeless tech"

In the ASI advice, LRH said gather up from the ASI traffic all of the "timeless tech" and turn that into compiled issues to be called "Prosperity Bulletins" which were to be the ASI policies.

That principle, "timeless tech" was the guideline of how to comb through everything that isn't public that was ever output by LRH, and see if anything "timeless" ought be turned into the appropriate "issue type" for then issuing to followers and/or staff.

That's the final truly biggest LRH "compilations" zone order, it's to get ALL "timeless tech" from LRH, compiled appropriately.

THAT is something just that does not sink into the minds of most of the freezone Scientologists.

Oh well.

All things would be resolved, just RELEASE all of the "LRH originals" publicly for all to comb through and see everything LRH ordered.

Chuck Beatty

I was for a tiny snippet, fall of 1988 to Feb of 1989, in the Compilations Unit at the Int Base (the old RTRC, where Mickey Liption was then the RTRC Dir, and Dan Koon was a top compiler, and Russ Williams was a top compiler, Sue Koon was a top compiler, Amir Gueron and Ken Rose were even there for a short time also, Tom Ford was there as a compiler, and Steve gosh forget his last name was the Admin) I also was on the "routing forms" project, and Phoebe Mauer asked me to sidecheck her "Routing Forms, How to Write One" policy letter, and I first hand read the LRH order to her to do the compilation.

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