Impeccable reporting, Tony!

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Pretty exciting stuff! Thanks for the video update, Tony. Question: is it normal for the police to not review their reports/tapes prior to testifying? Seems like that would be a no brainer?

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As always, thank you for such a great and comprehensive report of the day. Although we read the transcripts that you all typed up, which we love, sometimes I can't follow along so it's great that you take the time to summarize the day for us. Thank you!!!

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Thanks for the update ☺️

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This is incredible stuff Tony! Thank you!

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I am not sure why Cohen wants the information in that facts of the case appeared on a blog. He cannot probe how it got there. I'm not sure it really has any bearing on the case whatsoever. Neither will he be able to get into problems in the LAPD. However, I did hear a name today that I have heard many times before: Beck. 'Nuff said. (Think I read about him on some website.) Anyway, thank you again Tony for all you do. Stellar work and much appreciated!

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Cops for some reason don't like defense attorneys. they don't corporate very well with them.

I knew a cop and she absolutely hated testifying in court. Defense attorneys always tried trip her up.

She would tell if you see a accident keep driving and don't get involved.


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