Thank you Tony. Great coverage - all day long. Get some rest.

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Woooow. What a day. It was devastating to read the words of JD1- what an unthinkable trauma to live through. I was very glad to hear her detailed testimony of all the documents produced by Scn to intimidate her and manipulate the situation- I just don’t see how the defense will be able to challenge that. Thanks again for the coverage, and for mentioning the Moxon story- horrific that he uses his daughter’s suicide to coerce JD1’s father. Unimaginable.

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Fascinating, awesome job Tony, thank you!

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Perhaps she was crying so hard because she was forced to relive a horrific situation in public? Also, she may be finally coming to terms with just what happened to her. Scientology does that to you. She gets raped then has to race to a celebration. As she testified, you are required to act like it’s always all right. Well, it wasn’t all right and now she’s sitting there actually telling the whole damn world about something so incredibly wrong and it just had to be overwhelming to realize that maybe, just maybe, someone was listening, and wondering when she was going to be attacked again for telling the truth.

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Exhausted and exhaustive Proprietor.


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What in the actual hell. 😑

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I'm sorry, Tony. Thanks for putting yourself through this.

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Holy Moly, things are moving along fast. Thanks for your getting additional resources involved to explain Scientology 'this and that'.

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The passion with which you told the Moxon daughter story impacted me. Imagine if the jury got the import of that.

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Jesusfuckingchrist. Thank you. Quite seriously.

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Hi, I don’t understand why so many issues can’t be discussed to give the jury a full understanding of what happened. Why didn’t the attorney ask her what Moxon meant is one example?

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Oct 20, 2022·edited Oct 20, 2022

Your reporting has been fantastic; are you taking notes on paper, typing on a laptop, or something else? This is a serious skill to be able to take such good notes at such a furious pace.

My impression of Masterson clan staying standing was an effort to be - or at least appear to be - respectful to the victim, though I appreciate that you can't characterize it that way. When the facts presented are so brutal, I imagine one would look for ways to soften the blow.

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I got the opposite feeling, based solely on Danny’s prior behavior. He’s always been cocky. I thought it was an attempt to intimidate. Your take is much kinder.

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Everybody gets their own impression, especially since nobody but Our Proprietor was in the room.

But in high-stakes environments like this, we have to assume that even a d-bag like DM will take some guidance from his attorney on how to look sympathetic, or at least respectful, or at least not a d-bag.

And even if Danny is that awful on the inside, I find it super hard to believe that his non-Scn attorneys would play the whole Tone 40 thing in a courtroom.

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Maybe they just got confused on procedure?

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I had a similar thought: maybe it was an effort to appear to be respectful to the witness. But because it was done by a group of people who aren't used to showing respect or sympathy--and who, deep down, really do feel contempt for the women they see as bringing this pox on their family--it ended up looking unnatural, over-the-top, and unintentionally sinister. A human gesture performed by people who, by virtue of living under scientology ethics all their lives, don't really know how to be human. Like Christian Bale in American Psycho. If somebody starts playing Huey Lewis, clear the courtroom!

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Thank you so much Tony!

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The cross examination of Victim 1 will a very telling moment in this trial.

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😱 What kind of father would use his daughter’s suicide for anything?! Ever?!

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Despicable. Shows how he is just a mouthpiece and he probably was a contributing factor to her death. I am so sorry and also grateful you witnessed it.

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