Thank you so much for these reports! Thank you for all your hard work, Tony!

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Very interesting. And frustrating. Really appreciate your coverage -- informative and educational. Are the jurors keeping poker faces during all this -- and during parts like when Fabos talked about P.I. interaction? Curious about that.

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P.S. Regarding Jennifer Esposito, the judge stopped the witness when her name came up maybe because she was getting a bit off topic? And then the comment about a woman/friend being yelled at by DM started, so no way to be sure if the witness was still talking about JE at that point. I can't recall if she said the boyfriend or the husband of the woman getting yelled at beat up DM. What I did find is that if it was "husband," then JE was not yet married because this particular yelling/beating up incident took place in 2001; and JE didn't get married until 2006 (to Bradley Cooper).

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It really helps to hear your wrap ups, Tony!

It obviously was a long day....thank you for taking the time to share. 💜

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Thank you, Tony. I doubt Fabos's hesitant testimony was too effective -- except where he admitted what JD1 said. As for the cousin, the jury will have to assess her credibility. However, I think it is unfair that the defense can insinuate she might lie for the victim, however the prosecution can't insinuate a scieno witness might hedge and prevaricate for the cult of scieno.

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Right! It’s up to the jury to place weight on the testimony, but Fabio’s was obviously hostile, which made him look bad. I think Rachel seemed more credible, but it may be just because I wanted her to be.

As for you, Tony, just reading the testimony is rough. Sitting through it would be excruciating. Thanks for doing this.

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OK, so there's a good reason I was confused reading Shaun Fabos' testimony.

The Perry Mason moment would be if the defense produced - from out of nowhere - photos from that trip, showing Fabos. And no bruising on JD1.

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Absolutely amazed at your reporting!

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Thank you now it's making sense.

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I’m binge watching and reading to get caught up, so that’s why the delayed response. But you said it’s difficult to watch this woman describe that. Just before you said that I was thinking how awful it must be to sit and watch that poor woman talk about that. Thank you, Tony, for your dedication and compassion.

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So hoping for a subscriber video today (Tuesday Oct 25) but I can’t find it :(

Keep up the good work!

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Welp, I'm fascinated by one particular part of today's transcript at the very end of the day when Cohen was cross-examining JD #3 and the jury was asked to leave and there was an exchange between the Judge and Cohen that was more of a scolding about his line of questioning with the Judge admonishing that he was not going to be allowed to get into a "freeloading" accusation but then Cohen was all seemingly aw-shucks about it and then said it was "quite the opposite" and that he was trying to prove that, gee, she sure was working hard ... Ugh. It's clear he was going to try to say that she was only working because of Masterson but the Judge had stopped him and Cohen said, "The only purpose is yesterday we heard Mr. Mueller talk about the controlling nature of Masterson and traditional relationship. This doesn't sound controlling when he's allowing -- well, not ALLOWING ..."

Olmedo: "I was going to say, that was an oxymoron..."

(And I'd bet Cohen is kicking himself for that little slip of the tongue!)

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