This is fully Bringing Up Some Shit™ for me, but your you-ness never fails to help chill me out. It may not seem like a huge thing, but truly every time you have a realization that a different judge might not quite get the Janes as well is so wonderful to see. Not in like a "lol watch men learn things" way, but in a very real, honest, and (I think) very important way. It's just plain good karma type shit everywhere. Thank you very specifically for sharing when you have those insights.

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I love that the judge is a woman. Far more appropriate than a man. She gets it.

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022

Thanks for the daily summary. I posted the following comment on your other video but will repeat here. I thought one interesting little slip from Cohen today was at the end of the day (which I realize was still early) when the judge made the comment about "freeloader" and Cohen had a little bit of a Freudian slip and said something about "no no I would never suggest that because Danny was allowing her" (to work) and then he stopped and said "not ALLOWING" and the judge caught that and said something about what an oxymoron that was. Interesting. Also, did Cohen run out of this trial early today and go down 4 flights of stairs to represent Eric Weinberg this afternoon as he had his $5M bail revoked? He is also representing him. Astonishing all that going on the same building on the same afternoon (not to mention HW). Anyway, appreciate your coverage.

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I was bummed when I didn't see a video from you yesterday (25th). And was thrilled to see it there this morning. The best part of these day by day blows is the finale when I get to hear your take and synopsis. Thank you Tony.

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Tony - ur awesome, wish I could do more. Thank you!

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How many other Jane Does are there? I am not talking about just Danny Masterson, but every cover up and victim blaming that the CO$ has carried out. The Catholic Church in New York just agreed to an oversight plan that will be managed by outsiders. $cientology needs such oversight. Now, how does anyone get 70 years of victims together and into court?

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I wrote in another thread from this video

About my friend, Tommy Gorman who found out a fellow Scientology student was getting raped by her Scientology Supervisor.

He went to "Ethics" to report this horrific crime. The "Ethics officer" told him to NEVER repeat that again!

Tommy got both families into a motel room & showed them videos from the Scientology's darker side.

They ALL left, and Tommy married the young lady. They now have 3 kids and live far away from Scientology. Miss him!🌹

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JD3 gave some really intense testimony, but she didn’t have a panic attack until she referenced what her husband and children have been through since she came forward. Her family obviously means more to her than anything. She is a truly inspiring lady, through and through!

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Tony, even though I read everything that you are putting out, I really appreciate these video wrap-ups.

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