I would expect the criminal organisation known as the "church"of $cientoilogy to play one tune, and one tune only. In the US, that would be: Any trial where the word "scientology" is uttered is automatically invalid, because "church."

I expect this because I saw the Co$ do just one thing to laughable excess where it walked out of an appeal trial in France (the Co$ was appealing a verdict of guilty of organised criminal fraud for the organisation itself, kind of an existential threat, one would have thought). The reason given for walking out: A lawyer for civil plaintiffs from the original trial was allowed to make a statement. That was it. After the organisation had failed to secure the exclusion of that statement, it walked out of the appeal, leaving the court free to confirm the conviction.

The Masterson case is, of course, different. But I fully expect that the Co$ is going to make one point, no trial can be valid because "church." And to make that one point only. (I do believe that the Co$ has already done so, even though it is not actually on trial, here.) So, if a ruling is about something else (in this case, whether the cases can be joined together), the Co$ loses interest. If the defense for Danny "DJ Donkey Punch" Masterson were running entirely independent of the Co$, then it would still very much have an interest in appealing everything. However, if the strategy were dictated by the Co$, there's nothing much to be gained...

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"(We assume he’s just going to say Moss is unavailable, and will ask Valerie to suggest another name.)" When that day happens, Valerie should just cut to the chase and nominate david miscavige to be her choice for arbitrator. He calls ALL the shots anyway.

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Attorneys wait until the last possible second to file appeals, answers, or for that matter anything. It’s all part of the game, and I feel very sorry for the clients in most cases.

I’ve seen attorneys blow by deadlines because they calculated them wrong, but generally if anything is going to be filed, most attorneys tend to do it on the very last day possible.

I have not reviewed the rules of Judge Olmedo’s court, but generally speaking, the deadline is 30 days so I would not be surprised to see an August 1 filing as July 30 is a weekend.

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What's is a rapist, caught in a classic 'Mexican Standoff', going to do when his interests clash with the 'religion' that aided in the cover up of his crimes wants to cover its butt crack? Much comes down to who is paying the bills and who has the most 'leverage'.

Given the Supreme Courts busy docket, this appeal is a 'hail Mary', but 'Mary' is the hero of the Catholic 'conservatives' on the Court. If the Supremes take up this appeal, it is because someone on the $cieno food chain got them to look. at it.

Would it not be much fun if the Court did take up the appeal and rule that $cieno the 'arbitration' contract clause has an end date?

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Rape by anyone of anyone for any reason is not executable. There is no pass or get out of jail free card or a to flight to the south pole. Those that cover it up are carriers of the contaminations of this form of hate. They must be held responsible and charged accordantly as well. be them Catholic priest or Pope or Head of Scientology, David Mctavish. This case is a doorway to a new world of all.

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