They'll have to unscrew Miscavige from his office ceiling today.

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I was just thinking about him and his reaction. Yikes.

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No kidding.

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You know what's scary? I wonder who Miscavige is punishing, treating horribly and throwing in the hole as a result of the verdict. He always blames someone else and it makes me nervous and sad to think who he is manhandling. He's an awful human being.

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Thank god, justice served. I’m sorry for JD3, she deserves better.

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I'd like to know JD3 is celebrating too, as this verdict will assist the civil trial, though I get you. I feel they all won, as well as all those who came forward and all who may now.

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First I screamed YAHOO in my office and now I'm crying. I'm crying happy tears that Danny's going to be in jail a long time as he should. But, I'm also crying for the Jane Doe's. Happy tears for JD#1 and JD#2 but so very sad for JD#3. I hope she knows that we all support her to the moon and back. This is a happy and sad day for all of us. Tony - you are so compassionate and caring for these survivors of rape, it touches our heart. Thanks for all you've done which has been a ton of work for you. THANK YOU!!! Now I need to go blow my nose and have a martini! LOL!

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It's a good day. Thanks to the jurors and prosecutors!!!

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To the moon and back! We believed you, JDs! And KJ, and TV, and whoever else who has been affected by this horrible man.

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Such a relief that Masterson was taken into custody. I am thrilled for the 3 Women who have suffered for so many years.

Tony, your demeanor was exemplary . I have great respect for your appropriate dignity today. Thank you so very much for this nearly impossible job!

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Tony O: Bless your heart for continuing to expose the abuses of Scientology! NBC/4

Just announced Danny Masterson guilty on 2 counts.

Ironically now their quote is (paraphrase) "scientology always encourages

Members to report crimes to the police".

As member for 30 years, it was a "high crime" to ever call the police about Scientology. Thank God & the Net I got free! 🌹

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God Bless you, Tory. I'm so glad you got out! I admire you very much.

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Thank you Susan! I appreciate your kind words. 💜

And me too...so happy I got out!

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OMG. "scientology always encourages Members to report crimes to the police".

We have to stop that lie. Have to -- Have to.

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I tried to respond, 2x's...but it isn't here.

I just said in 30 years in Scientolology...the police were always the "enemy". It was a "high crime" to report anything to the police.

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NBC quoted Scientology saying “Scn always encourages members to report crimes to the police with a straight face”? Are they complete ignoramuses or scared of Scn?!

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Will fake news media continue with supporting and promoting the unchallenged lies from a convicted multiple rapist and the organization that sponsored him.

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Thank you, Tony. This is what a little bit of justice feels like.

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Thank you to the jury.

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Thank you,Tony, for your dedication and hard work and thank you in advance for the stories that are still to come, including the cult’s coverup of the crimes. The Los Angeles Times would do well to take its cue from you as far as how to cover this.

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Thank you, Tony. You've done a fabulous job keeping us informed for 6 YEARS! A long time coming but finally there is justice for these women.

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Amazing work, Tony, for all these years, Enjoy a break and then write the book,

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The thought of Masterson behind bars makes the waiting of the last weeks worth it. Too bad $cientology couldn't be nailed for obstruction of justice in this case too.

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Gets me emotional. Thank you Jesus. Hugs to everyone in substack, Tony, great job 🍻

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I had a good cry, it is so emotional!!

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Thank you for bring us the wonderful news. Not everything we wanted but at least he will go to jail for a very long time. He is 47 today so if he serves all 30 he will be 77 when he gets out. Even if he has to only serve 80% he will be 71. He life will be effectively over!

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Incredible work Tony! Justice for these women and Scientology does not get to create their own laws and rules anymore. This is huge. You are awesome

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I can't believe I've been watching you like a hawk and it was still my roommate who told me the jury had come back.

I am so, so relieved to have two guilty verdicts instead of one. I am also very sad for JD3, but as we all know she has a wonderful husband and support system now.

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Nobody saw this trial like those of us who followed your outstanding reporting. Thank you, Tony. You deserve a Pulitzer.

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