You’re right that Cohen’s just doing his job, but man, his statements are frustrating to read. Both you and Chris showed so much respect/gratitude to that juror, and the idea of them spinning that kindness for the defense is sickening. Although, can’t say I’m ever surprised by any tactics they pull anymore.

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Very good Tony, be there to hear the arguments and watch the fur fly when Mueller answers that motion. The comments on the trial and the criticism of the Prosecution's case should help very much in any retrial. The judge did not allow enough testimony about the effect that the CO$ had on the victims. That needs to be dragged out of the shadows and be front and center in a retrial.

I do hope for a retrial, but be prepared for the case to be dropped. The DA's office has a lot of crimes to prosecute, and they may devote their resources to other cases.

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It would break my heart if the case was dropped because scientology was not allowed into the trial. However, it would not surprise me.

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Legalese aside, Tony Ortega is a genuine opinion leader, even the Scientologist lawyer thinks so.

History wise, I'm pretty sure, from what I heard, rape occured, and Masterson in my mind is like OJ Simpson getting off in the criminal trial.

History wise, in my public layman mind, from what I heard and read over the months in Underground Bunker, and especially in what ex's (ex experienced Sea Org members/Scientologists) said, it appears to me with the full info (not the legal system less than full history allowed) shows Masterson engaged in real rape. It's just not proven.

This reflects on our flawed legal system.

But in all cases, I think media and an expert media person (and all their vocal reliable credible sources) is over and above in telling the fuller story.

So kudos, Tony Ortega, legit opinion leader. And legit media explainer of the fuller history stories of Scientology world persons.

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