Nov 7, 2022Liked by Tony Ortega

In honor of Steve's passing, I have called off the massive downtown protest that was scheduled for 1 pm this afternoon and hereby suspend the sale of torches and pitchforks within city limits for the foreseeable future.

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You are truly the wise beard man. So funny, smart and kind. Have a super crush on you!

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Oh man! I was all set to protest😂. You, WBM are legend.

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So magnanimous!

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I always felt when I saw Steve speak out that he was "asked" to do so and as a scientologist one doesn't really have a choice; maybe he did it willingly but I guarantee you, he was asked and probably wouldn't have if he wasn't asked.

Steve was born into scientology. His father is the OT 8 C/S on the ship and has been forever. His mother was and maybe still is a Class 12 auditor at Flag. So something tells me, he didn't get to see much of his parents as a child and growing up.

At a very young age he became a successful business man and then he did it again and created and expanded another business out of whole cloth. It seems he was going to try and "live a little" and sold that business.

I can get really snarky about scientologists but not Steve. I always had such a fondness for these kids that had to go it alone as children. I am heartbroken but especially for his wife and daughters. I don't know what happens when people die but I hope Steve finds a real peace and happiness.

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Not much of a sellng point for scientology, get to OT8 give millions to them and die. Probably gave him a heart attack. Guess he pulled it in.

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One less whale in the Clampire is a good thing. Sadly it took a death to do that. I hope his widow escapes.

Soon it will be Masterson's defense turn. What do they have? I can only see more attempts at obfuscation and trying to find something that an appeal can run with. So far, Masterson's defense has been ineffectual. The cross examination of the victims did not shake their stories and so far, the prosecution has pressed its case very well.

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Your reporting is the most interesting and I saw the other site you spoke about....she added nothing to the conversation. I appreciate your insights, time, and thoroughness and fairness! Thank you

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Steve was a Delphian kid. He diet of a heart attack, and it was sudden and unexpected. He had no outward signs of risk e.g. smoking, obesity. I think it is a fair assumption that he has never been to a medical doctor and never had a proper physical including cholesterol tests and blood pressure tests. Clams go to chiropractors if they bother with physical health at all. Outwardly healthy people don't just have heart attacks at 53 unless there are underlying causes - which probably would have been caught early on if he'd just gone to a bleepin' doctor for a proper physical every year. And so another OTVIII has died. He's not coming back. Not one ever has. Condolences to his family.

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It is really sad that Steve died so young. I do not know if scientology contributed to his death, either by him not being willing to get help and having a health problem diagnosed, or the stress of constant badgering for money. I’m glad he got some fun in life. My condolences to his family, I hope they take this opportunity to escape and get real freedom.

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