Wow. Cohen is weaving a web that seems to indicate police misconduct. Jane Doe 1 still comes off as credible. It looks like game-playing on the part of Cohen. Nothing he has said has anything to do with whether or not the incident occurred. I know he thinks he can show if she didn't say something once but says it later it's a question of her credibility. But actually, it just looks like a lot of poor police work. Personally, I wonder if that's because of the cozy relationship between Scieno and the LAPD.

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I thought I read a long time ago that the LAPD misplaced the file against him. I wonder if a lot of what is being referenced is due to that.

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JD1 is being asked questions about a police report she doesn’t remember giving to a person she doesn’t remember talking to. This is all so strange. I guess there would be a lot of confusion given the time, but it appears to be more mishandling or creative reporting too.

Also, she did not retain an attorney, an attorney was retained on her behalf by someone, probably her father, and she was not consulted. So much fraud there that a scientologist would not question. And if she was still active in scientology when she was paid the $, every cent of it went to sec checking.

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That's a good point, that she didn't make off with almost half a million bucks and spend it on whatever she wanted.

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A lawyer for JD1 that she doesn't know about? That smells to me like interference from the criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology.

I'm glad Cohen is making a point of that :-)

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Tony, thank you for the colorful blocks at the top of each story. It really helps to go back and know that I left off reading at "the blue one."

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