Cohen is not coming off well here. It's obvious she is trying to be truthful. He is trying to get her to say things he can later impeach, but she's not falling for it. I do believe when she said she never said "strangle, that's a cop word," she was getting at the crux of the problem: the cops never accurately recorded anything she truly said or provided.

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Why do people become defense attorneys? It is such an abusive profession. My nephew wants to be a defense attorney because “everyone deserves representation.” Sometimes I think the legally system is fatally flawed. This borders on abuse.

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Defense sure tries every trick he can think of. Which shows he's a good attorney. But he hasn't been able to impeached her. I don't think he will be able to.

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Interesting fact about Mackenzie Phillips: her father raped her at age 19. It’s controversial about whether it happened. My cousin was a PA on One Day at a Time and mentioned her being difficult (Phillips was fired from the show). It seems she would identify with the victims and empathize because they were raped by a “friend” and woke up to being raped, which is how Phillips describes her rape.

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