We’re not fans of censorship, and we think it’s not a good thing that books get pulled from libraries because they have controversial themes, or adult situations, or other things that often make uptight parents uncomfortable.
The CoS still bombards people on lines for "donations to put LRH books in libraries". Now with the electronic access and online libraries, chucking hard copies of books is probably a moot point. Our library regularly (this was 6-10 years ago) simply binned any Hubbard book donations, along with some other titles. We had maybe a copy of Dianetics on the shelf.
My library also has Going Clear, Leah's book, Jenna Miscavage's book, the Devil May Dance, Cultivism, etc. I'm surprised they don't have Mike Rinder's new book. Maybe I should donate a copy? Maybe that's one way to fight back? Donate books about survivors?
The original Dianetics Hubbard quackery fetal memories "therapy" book is horrible for laying out the procedure. It is futile combing through this book, and his later books, to find a simple step by step, from Hubbard how to do his quackery "processes" on oneself or onto another.
Maybe that's a good thing, but the problem is that a reader of the Hubbard books then wonders all the time "Where's the beef? How do you do this durned pseudo-therapy? Give me the step by step!"
So by Hubbard not ever, at the start, or all through the coming books, him explaining it well, the reader is lured into the elaborate maze relationship to one's detriment in the Hubbard cult Scientology centers.
"Dianetics" the confusing original quackery book from Hubbard, that today is still used to lure in people into the long drawn out "official" Scientology con quackery outfit that will step by step, waste your time and bilk you of money you years later will have wished you hadn't foolishly given over to this Scientology cult maze.
"Dianetics" the entry level confusing quackery book that leads you into the L. Ron Hubbard cult maze.
“Mama runs lightly and blithely into a table and baby gets its head stoved in.” Quick show of hands women, how many of you while pregnant ran “lightly and blithely into a table?” Ugh how did I ever buy into this man’s claptrap? Happy birthday dianetics, may you not make it to 75.
I live in a rural town in New Hampshire. My library has three Scientology books available. Dianetics, Scientology Fundamentals, and the Way to Happiness.
Hoopla - the library streaming services my library and many others participate, has like 100s of R. L. Hubbard books. Scientology books and his si-fi collections.
I agree this is not right. The books should be pulled. Maybe we could get a letter of something put together to send to libraries listing all the lawsuits and crimes against the church?
I live in a small town in Alabama and am old and decrepit so can’t go to the library, but it would be interesting to see what is in ours. I know I read lots of his science fiction in high school but he was not a preferred author. Isaac Asinov (can’t spell anymore either, lol) was my favorite
That would be an accomplishment, getting Hubbard's quackery pseudo-therapy best seller discarded from Libraries.
I wonder how often the Hubbard quackery books get read anyways.
Me, if I were to list out the key quackery Hubbard books:
a) Self Analysis
b) Creation of Human Ability
c) Dianetics Today (1975)
d) Subject Volume 3
e) Subject Volume 4
f) [internet available only] "The O.T. Levels Volume"
Those give a reader the quackery "commands" used to perform the Hubbard pseudo-therapy quackery and exorcism on oneself or on another.
In NO place is it written concisely and simply how to simply extract the Hubbard quackery "processes" and the exact commands, to minimally do the thought experiment on oneself, and imagine what the Hubbard quackery would conceivably do to oneself.
But the above is the list of almost the majority of the Hubbard quackery, to skim over, and see what the "processes" (lists of the pseudo-therapy/exorcism commands) are.
It's such a nasty backfiring conundrum. To discuss Hubbard's Scientology, one has to kind of delve into the "commands" of the quackery, but doing so, does cause one to "go into session" to some degree. (Today when I think of what Hubbard wrote, "put someone in session" meaning have them delve into their life memories, I translate that into putting a person into their imagination, in the end of the day it is not something I'd recommend anyone do.)
Doing the skimming or "thought experimenting" of the Hubbard quackery, it's going to be mind dizzying and revolting to imagine doing this stuff.
Best to just skip it all, and enjoy another hobby or activity in life, and just skip the "mind f....ing" actual Hubbard quackery "commands."
"I translate that into putting a person into their imagination..." Chuck gets it, $cientology is all about selling your imagination back to you, with a Lroon pretzel twist. That twist is supposed to install a slowly building Hubbard worship and fealty. By the time you get KSW and the Training Routines installed, your brain is Hubbard's and it also belongs to every Clam higher on the Totem Pole.
There is a passage in Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land where Mike Smith is visiting a zoo and he sees a monkey beat up a smaller monkey and steal its food. That monkey then goes and beats up a smaller monkey, just because it was beaten up. That tableau finally makes Mike Smith understand humanity. That 'beating up' the smaller monkey is built into humanity. And standing up to the bully is also built in. Humans do have a 'right and wrong' switch in their brains.
The Hubster (and a great many other scammers) jump on those behaviors and milk them for all the money and fealty they can suck out.
Years ago I checked the LA libraries after all the books were re-released. They had few copies of Hubbards books. The library’s were dumping them as they were receiving multiple copies as we were all tapped to spend thousands to put them in public libraries. What a scam that was.
Tony is right. Claptrap.
Dianetics was the rage for a very short period of time. However it established a base of acolytes for Hubbard that segued into Scientology. And during the post WW II years with the baby boomers it was a way to wallpaper over real mental issues using the Dianetics/SciFi-ology “technology”.
Scientology occasionally got results. I attribute that to the quality people who there as the “listeners” for members who came in to get help.
In retrospect having had about 11 years of deprogramming from the 46 years as a devoted member of Scientology, I found that the important issues in my life were never addressed by the hundreds and hundreds of hours of auditing I received. And my thousands of hours of studying Dianetics and SciFi-ology. I’m addressing them now and it has been a relief.
So, if getting the books pulled or restricted (boy would CoS have a fit then) doesn't work, one could theoretically organize having people rent out the books and keep doing extensions so people can't get them? (You would do it after so libraries don't think they are wanted.)
FYI: Scn books donated to libraries are routinely binned by librarians.
That's not true. My library has three and Hoopla the library streaming service, has like 100s of R.L. Hubbard books available.
The CoS still bombards people on lines for "donations to put LRH books in libraries". Now with the electronic access and online libraries, chucking hard copies of books is probably a moot point. Our library regularly (this was 6-10 years ago) simply binned any Hubbard book donations, along with some other titles. We had maybe a copy of Dianetics on the shelf.
My library also has Going Clear, Leah's book, Jenna Miscavage's book, the Devil May Dance, Cultivism, etc. I'm surprised they don't have Mike Rinder's new book. Maybe I should donate a copy? Maybe that's one way to fight back? Donate books about survivors?
The original Dianetics Hubbard quackery fetal memories "therapy" book is horrible for laying out the procedure. It is futile combing through this book, and his later books, to find a simple step by step, from Hubbard how to do his quackery "processes" on oneself or onto another.
Maybe that's a good thing, but the problem is that a reader of the Hubbard books then wonders all the time "Where's the beef? How do you do this durned pseudo-therapy? Give me the step by step!"
So by Hubbard not ever, at the start, or all through the coming books, him explaining it well, the reader is lured into the elaborate maze relationship to one's detriment in the Hubbard cult Scientology centers.
"Dianetics" the confusing original quackery book from Hubbard, that today is still used to lure in people into the long drawn out "official" Scientology con quackery outfit that will step by step, waste your time and bilk you of money you years later will have wished you hadn't foolishly given over to this Scientology cult maze.
"Dianetics" the entry level confusing quackery book that leads you into the L. Ron Hubbard cult maze.
“Mama runs lightly and blithely into a table and baby gets its head stoved in.” Quick show of hands women, how many of you while pregnant ran “lightly and blithely into a table?” Ugh how did I ever buy into this man’s claptrap? Happy birthday dianetics, may you not make it to 75.
I live in a rural town in New Hampshire. My library has three Scientology books available. Dianetics, Scientology Fundamentals, and the Way to Happiness.
Hoopla - the library streaming services my library and many others participate, has like 100s of R. L. Hubbard books. Scientology books and his si-fi collections.
I agree this is not right. The books should be pulled. Maybe we could get a letter of something put together to send to libraries listing all the lawsuits and crimes against the church?
I live in a small town in Alabama and am old and decrepit so can’t go to the library, but it would be interesting to see what is in ours. I know I read lots of his science fiction in high school but he was not a preferred author. Isaac Asinov (can’t spell anymore either, lol) was my favorite
That would be an accomplishment, getting Hubbard's quackery pseudo-therapy best seller discarded from Libraries.
I wonder how often the Hubbard quackery books get read anyways.
Me, if I were to list out the key quackery Hubbard books:
a) Self Analysis
b) Creation of Human Ability
c) Dianetics Today (1975)
d) Subject Volume 3
e) Subject Volume 4
f) [internet available only] "The O.T. Levels Volume"
Those give a reader the quackery "commands" used to perform the Hubbard pseudo-therapy quackery and exorcism on oneself or on another.
In NO place is it written concisely and simply how to simply extract the Hubbard quackery "processes" and the exact commands, to minimally do the thought experiment on oneself, and imagine what the Hubbard quackery would conceivably do to oneself.
But the above is the list of almost the majority of the Hubbard quackery, to skim over, and see what the "processes" (lists of the pseudo-therapy/exorcism commands) are.
It's such a nasty backfiring conundrum. To discuss Hubbard's Scientology, one has to kind of delve into the "commands" of the quackery, but doing so, does cause one to "go into session" to some degree. (Today when I think of what Hubbard wrote, "put someone in session" meaning have them delve into their life memories, I translate that into putting a person into their imagination, in the end of the day it is not something I'd recommend anyone do.)
Doing the skimming or "thought experimenting" of the Hubbard quackery, it's going to be mind dizzying and revolting to imagine doing this stuff.
Best to just skip it all, and enjoy another hobby or activity in life, and just skip the "mind f....ing" actual Hubbard quackery "commands."
"I translate that into putting a person into their imagination..." Chuck gets it, $cientology is all about selling your imagination back to you, with a Lroon pretzel twist. That twist is supposed to install a slowly building Hubbard worship and fealty. By the time you get KSW and the Training Routines installed, your brain is Hubbard's and it also belongs to every Clam higher on the Totem Pole.
There is a passage in Robert Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land where Mike Smith is visiting a zoo and he sees a monkey beat up a smaller monkey and steal its food. That monkey then goes and beats up a smaller monkey, just because it was beaten up. That tableau finally makes Mike Smith understand humanity. That 'beating up' the smaller monkey is built into humanity. And standing up to the bully is also built in. Humans do have a 'right and wrong' switch in their brains.
The Hubster (and a great many other scammers) jump on those behaviors and milk them for all the money and fealty they can suck out.
My goodness! you said: ",,,,,,,By the time you get KSW and the Training Routines installed, your brain is Hubbard's........" Captured brains!
And monkey research, boy, that proves the common man's view:
Monkey see, monkey do. Hang out with the Scientologists and watch what happens to you, but you won't notice it.
L. Ron Hubbard, "I write just for you." and "Thankyou for listening"
As a former librarian, I do not agree with censorship in any shape or form. Actually, when I read the book before I got in, I thought he was crazy.
Years ago I checked the LA libraries after all the books were re-released. They had few copies of Hubbards books. The library’s were dumping them as they were receiving multiple copies as we were all tapped to spend thousands to put them in public libraries. What a scam that was.
Tony is right. Claptrap.
Dianetics was the rage for a very short period of time. However it established a base of acolytes for Hubbard that segued into Scientology. And during the post WW II years with the baby boomers it was a way to wallpaper over real mental issues using the Dianetics/SciFi-ology “technology”.
Scientology occasionally got results. I attribute that to the quality people who there as the “listeners” for members who came in to get help.
In retrospect having had about 11 years of deprogramming from the 46 years as a devoted member of Scientology, I found that the important issues in my life were never addressed by the hundreds and hundreds of hours of auditing I received. And my thousands of hours of studying Dianetics and SciFi-ology. I’m addressing them now and it has been a relief.
Oh, boy! David M. is gonna love this one, Tony!
So, if getting the books pulled or restricted (boy would CoS have a fit then) doesn't work, one could theoretically organize having people rent out the books and keep doing extensions so people can't get them? (You would do it after so libraries don't think they are wanted.)