I met Shelly approximately two years before she vanished in a rare encounter with David Miscavige and her at the Scientology Gala Anniversary at Celebrity Centre in Aug 2003. David and I had a fairly lengthy conversation about my role in the Dianetics theme. It was very positive. Shelly was subdued and quiet, standing close to David. At the time I barely noticed her. I received a lengthy letter from Miscavige that had to be dictated by him. It contained to much detail for a form letter. Miscavige was traveling a lot during the next two years and that’s when Shelly made he fatal mistakes while David was rolling out his new marketing campaigns.

I agree with Tony that Shelly is alive, though she may not be well. One thing I learned from being in the Sea Org working with Ron. I had to be willing to follow orders whatever those were. Shelly is brainwashed, no doubt. Shelly will continue to accept her fate ordered by her leader. And unless she has lost her memory, she still knows so much that would be detrimental to David if she ever left Scientology. I have no doubt that trusted personal and and a great deal financial resources are dedicated to keeping Shelly sequestered until she dies. No matter what, it will be a sore point for the tiny king of Scientology.

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The chains in your mind can be the hardest ones to break. Did Dave send his wife any R6mas presents?? Even a greeting card? US prisons have acknowledged that solitary confinement can cause mental problems. How is Shelly's current mental state? Unless one of her 'minders' gets out and talks, we will never know.

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I think someone once said - on the Aftermath maybe - that Shelly would stay even if she had a chance to leave because she was waiting for LRH to come back.

If true, would Shelly possibly still be clinging to that even though he's almost 20 years past his return date?

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Christmas is just another day to anyone in Sea Org. You get up you do work that requires your full attention for too many hours and if you’re lucky you get fed something decent. During the weeks leading up to Christmas, you are guaranteed full pay, because you are required to give it all back to “voluntarily donate” to Captain Dave’s extravagant Christmas present. No gifts are exchanged because no one can afford them. Even if she does know it’s Christmas, why would it matter.

I’m so glad I’m not part of that any longer.

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Has anyone ever blown from CST? I would expect anyone trusted enough to work at that compound must be (have been) a hard-core devotee.

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