This is not arbitration it is arbitrary. I wish a judge would actually figure out how farcical the “arbitration” was. The only way this or any other Scientology related case should go to arbitration is if the judge assigned a real world arbitration panel and attorneys were allowed to be present. What Scientology purports to be arbitration is approximately the same as what Scientology pretends is spiritual wellbeing. No one gets a fair arbitration in Scientology even if they are all still members and no one gets peace because they are forced to hide who they are even from themselves.

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Well, boo. I'd hoped for a different outcome. Very sad that powerful people and entities seem to always use the law and get the law to rule in their favor. I'm disheartened.

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I hope the plaintiffs stay strong as they find a way through this ordeal. Mockery, yes. Justice, I do not think so.

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I’m so very disappointed in this ruling. My heart goes out to the 3 victims of this cruelty, who are yet again denied justice.

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The Scientology books, from official Scientology all have the very pronounced and obvious disclaimer in the book inside page.

It's the warning and admission that you possibly will NOT gain anything from Scientology.

The Hubbard Scientology books' disclaimers are warning enough, to NEVER set foot in an official Scientology Hubbard empire facility.

What religion uses this type of participation legal "releases" and "waivers?"

Hubbard was a sick human being, and ought have stuck writing fiction pulp style books, and it's the world's detriment that he built the legally protected irreligious Scientology cult empire.

The public be warned!

I tell people who ask me, today, sadly it is the case that in the US this is allowed legally.

But public word of mouth beats legally protected cults!

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Never join Scientology nasty "religion" the very instant they make you sign a legal agreement or "release" or "waiver" of your rights.

Leave their premises.

If you ever want to find out what the Hubbard Scientology quackery is all about, search the internet for

a) Subject Volume 3

b) Subject Volume 4

c) "The O.T. Levels" volume

those three large volumes give one the idea of the Hubbard quackery well enough.

And only skim the crap, I don't recommend doing the quackery on oneself.

Save yourself from the pain and loss of the legal trap official Scientology's "release" "waiver" documents shackle you with.

NEVER join official Scientology.

Learn all about Xenu and body-thetans and the "auditing" and the exorcism/soul-freeing techniques of Hubbard's quackery for free on the internet.

it's all free out there, enough of the Hubbard quackery to get the idea of this nonsense pseudo-therapy and exorcism, and the supernatural exercises which only exercise your imagination to self brainwash yourself that you are gaining supernatural powers. You aren't, it's quackery, it's a scam.

Chuck Beatty

ex 75 to 03

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Hands are tied? Do something! When assaulted, abused, trafficked, religious arbitration should be void! Facing your abusers, privately is insane and unjust. It’s dangerous and evil to enforce this contract! It’s a “church” based on lies and deceit, manipulation and abuse!

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The courts continuing to show a lack of conviction and backbone.

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There is NO justice on this planet. How much is Scientology paying the judges?

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