Thank you Trish for stepping forward. I understand about being under the radar. I was in for 46 years and when I left I was still “in” for another 5 years because I did not want to lose my children. I lost them anyway when I officially came out. I do have to say I “never say never” because I was in and completely dedicated longer than almost anyone I know and I was “never” going to leave Scientology and by god I did.

As a side bar I have to comment on Kate Ceberano who I performed with and knew pretty well. She is going to eventually have to deal with some serious karma for supporting Scientology with her considerable musical talents. The cult exploits musical artist shamelessly. That being said the artist has to have blinders on to support the toxic, criminal cherch. I’m still doing amends for my effectiveness in building up Scientology’s public image from 1968 to 2008. That resulted in getting in many people and helping to keep people in the cult. That still irks me. Sorry Kate you will reap what you have sown. Thank you Tony and Trish for this latest article.

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The more of us who speak out and tell the truth the better.

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Trish Conley and her sister Liz are among my heroes. It takes courage to come out like they did and trounce the CO$ with truth. How many lives have been broken or ended by the Clampire? We will never know how many have been bruised and beaten and even raped by the 'ka kahns' or 'more upstat'.

A pox on you Dave Miscavige and a pox on the 'legacy' of Lron.

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Thank you Trish for being willing to put your name out there, along with Liz and your daughter and all that could mean. Every voice counts.

Also, did I read that right that Trish purposely went into the RPF just to be near her mother and not because it was required punishment? :,(

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I hate to say it but people who irrationally cling to scientology like that are worried about what they've confessed coming out. I'm convinced that's the only reason.

It's two fold. One is that they have confessed their crimes or whatever and absolved themselves of guilt. Denying scientology means denying their own absolution. The other fold is that they're afraid of those secrets coming out.

Suffice it to say that it's likely they deserve to be in scientology and regardless of their affiliation with scientology you're probably better off without them.

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Scientologists talk about "more comm, not less" and "time, place, form and event" and "being pan-determined" and "being ethical", yet can't actually DO any of those things when it comes to dealing with the obvious, serious, heinous abuses, mistreatment, and crimes that their organizations, fellow scientologists, and Hubbard/Miscavige have been responsible for. I remember the amount of effort and the depth of anxious cognitive dissonance it took for me to keep those kind of blinders on, until...I couldn't anymore. Kudos, respect, and cheers for these women not only making a very long, valiant effort to salvage the relationship with the parents, but THEN having the wisdom to accept that they simply weren't going to change. They know that they really did their best and can be at peace with themselves and their parents. What an incredible story of love, courage, persistence, and compassion!

One guy with a laptop in an "underground bunker" and a network of "esspees", taking down the Hubbard House of Fuckery, brick by brick...

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Thank you, Trish and Liz for stepping forward, and you both are heroes. I can't imagine all the pain and trauma these families continue to endure. It gives me hope as more and more brave people speak out, and Scientology's collapse both financially and legally.

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This is the question that no one will ever be able to answer: how can any parent, any child, disconnect or terminate their relationship voluntarily because some old fart commanded it. A dead old fart as well. Sorry, if that is offensive (not really).

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Christians, Muslims, Hindus and countless other adherents of cults and religions have cut off their non-believing loved ones since time immemorial. Magical thinking never ends well.

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These two sisters are nothing less than heroic in my book. What that toxic organization has done to their family isn't unique, but their pain (and that of every other survivor of Hubbard's con) definitely is. May their courage keep all of us fighting the cult in our own ways. And as ever "Scientology: Always Worse Than You Think."

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Thank you Trish, Liz and Tony for such a great, though heartbreaking story. I can't process how anyone can stay in this cult after all the reports, DM in prison, etc. How can anyone not feel something is off and start researching? Much love to you Trish, your daughter and Liz. Breaking from family can be very liberating. I've done it too. Ahh, though I've never been in Scientology.

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never heard of kate ceberano.shes famous only in Oz and US i think .

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Not in the US at all. Only among those of us who follow the Scientology Saga.

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