The biblical David(Alex) is now terrorizing Goliath(the Scientology David) on a regular basis. Ultimately Scientology will keep shrinking as long as it continues to violate human rights and defrauds its members and the public. Alex you are doing an incredible job.

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By throwing spaghetti against the wall at the last moment, the Stain Hill staff tried to put one over on the local authorities. It is nice to see that that failed. The locals were not taken in and did not give the Clampire any room to wiggle. Well done Alex and local government.

The first 'come on' video was what Hubbard would call 'other practices' and would have put those 3 in 'ethics' for a time. The Tom Cruise imitation was almost funny. The impersonator karate chopped the air just like TC and apparently arrived a few weeks too early for the convention. Calendars are useful. The Batman segment was in total violation of copyrights, but I forgive them for the good joke at the end.

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I have planned a LOT of events in my day. If they honestly hadn't finalized a date for an October event of that magnitude by September - versus just lying to the government officials - that is beyond baffling.

You would think for an annual event designed to get as many people as possible from all around the world to come so they can make them give more money you would want to give them as much notice as possible.

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I have multiple calendars to juggle. Two football players, one dancer, one wrestler, pre-planned trips, game nights, family events, doctors appointments, concerts, etc. If you want a piece of me, get on my calendar early. I do not think my life is unique. And I’m certainly not one of the people who would be targeted to show up and celebrated for giving them wads of money.

I’m not going to plan an international trip with one month’s notice, and would refuse to go on the trip if the date kept changing. I’ve already backed out of a January 2025 Hawaii trip for just that reason.

Not that I care about Hubbard policy, but even Hubbard had strict policy on this kind of time, place, form and event that Miscavige has blown out of the water.

And, really why would what Scientology says is thousands of SPs even be the least bit bothered by the 48 people who showed up for the protest last year? If there were 3000 big beings, that’s 62.5 of them for each protester. Hardly something to be intimidated by.

Unless they have something to hide…

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The criminal organisation known as as the “church” of $cientology is fishing for a piece of paper from some public agency which they can waive at the police on the day and make the protesters be sent away. Then complaints about taking over the public road can be dealt with later.

Alex is right to make sure that all relevant agencies are exposed to the confusing and incomplete messages so as to stop the Co$ from commandeering the public road and stifle the right to protest that very much is in place, no matter how inconvenient this is for a high control organisation.

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Oct 12·edited Oct 12

I remember the quandary which the higher ups constantly cause the lower downers in the staff ranks.

Miscavige being tippy top, is always the worst, and he blames everything on lower downers, so it's a Xenu of a problem, always.

Miscavige can't get "good help" and Hubbard's nightmare staff jobbing world repels smart enough followers come solve things.

Things which Hubbard's quackery "auditing" and the OT 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 exorcism of Xenu's body-thetans just isn't the solution anyways.

Life's problems aren't solved by the Hubbard quack pseudo-therapy and the Hubbard/Xenu body-thetans exorcism.

The subject once simply viewed (Scientology is quack soul memories therapy alleviation/exorcism of space alien souls which leak their bad memories onto us until we do the Hubbard exorcism to rid ourselves of these invisible souls) just doesn't attract "good help".

So with the stupid constraining nasty Hubbard regulations making staff life insane, the secret exorcism teachings cannot but be loser draws for anyone sensible to join this quackery outfit, it's a massive losing proposition.

If a newbie person wishes to try the Hubbard soul memories alleviation pseudo-therapy and exorcism, there are some ex official Scientolgist persons and tiny groups/clubs, to seek out the Hubbard soul "karma" alleviation quackery.

But it's a triple/quadrupple whammy losing proposition, this Hubbard quackery outfit. The hard working staffers get blamed and none of the fault goes back to Hubbard, because Hubbard wrote up the rules for this quackery outfit, and of course he never targets himself and the Hubbard quackery as the problem

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Those are the cheesiest (stupidest) ads I've ever seen. Bruce Wayne's voice is weak and the scooter? Really???!!

Alex, good on you for staying on top of the shenanigans from the IAS event. Looking forward to your next report, Darling.

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