Thank you Bruce, your info on the pleasant gulag is welcome. I do have to wonder how many 'outside security officers' are watching the place and who has to keep Shelly in line and 'in production'. How close to solitary confinement is that place? I don't think anyone outside of Twin Peaks will ever see Shelly Miscavige again.

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The longer I am out of scientology, the more insane the vaults seem, especially since all those stray semicolons keep sneaking in and LRH’s unaltered make believe “tech” gets altered once again. His original recordings probably do not even exist because they would contradict what is now considered standard tech, so the farce of preserving them is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs.

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LRH wrote a despatch to ED Int, Guillaume L, I know I had to method 9 the durned despatch at least 7 times, since it gave info I had to use in each of the routing forms, but the part that related to LSD taking and ANY "hiring" qualification, LRH told ED Int that ED Int had the authority to change hiring quals when he wished to.

That is ultimately one of the 1982 despatches from LRH that lowered the LSD requirement for "pilot." Of all the traffic from LRH in the late 1970s, and up til he died, this "Hiring New Staff" order (advice) from LRH was the most important, since it gives ED Int power to tweak some things.

It is the "....I bet you didn't know...." advice from LRH to ED Int, implying ED Int would NOT consider he has that amount of authority.

Today, and even back then, yes, Miscavige would have also weighed in heavy on ED Int, but I can tell you, that when I sat down with ED Int and went over the routing forms, step by step, with him, he made sure I KNEW LRH gave him that tweaking bit of authority.

What is flawed about ED Int and about Misavige, is they ought to have made that LRH order into a broad public issue policy, so that the public Scientologists knew that ED Int and in effect those at Int in authority, had the power to apply that latitude of the "Hiring New Staff" LRH order/advice.

It is a fine point, but a huge significant one, if the whole Scientology empire and LRH's orders and policies are taken into consideration as being legit.

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