Thank you Paul Barresi, you uncovered some strange stuff. If Tobe Gibson had signed Tommy to a contract for representation, would she have not sued TC when he went over to CCA? I am confused about the timing of all of this. Wasn't TC expelled from some Catholic Seminary before he went Hollywood? The supposed relationship between a nephew and TC seems to be more of a threat aimed at TC and his 'manliness'. But what do I know?

How does any court set aside time for any lawsuit with out notices of service being sent out and acknowledged? Ok, Jodie died, she had an excellent excuse to not show up. But what about TC's legal team? Were they not served with the papers necessary to get the ball rolling?

Jodie Gibson did not die of 'exhaustion', it must have been some cancer or some other disease. People don't get down to 97 pounds unless they are very sick.

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Excellent explaining. This is why I subscribe, Tony explains things so well.

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How long before someone claims they gave Gibson an "assist to drop the body" via the OT powers?

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