Hard to trust anything Miscavige says. Didn’t he promise three new ideal orgs to open in Q1 of this year? Guess we’ll see if these 2023 predictions are any more accurate.

Props to the insider for sitting through 3+ hours of him!

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I'm impressed by insider's comment that they could describe everything of consequence in a three-hour + presentation in the article above.

Might Dave's speech have contained more than a little filler?

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Yes, by all means, " contribute to this motion" and add your own decoding(s) of this

lovely acronym!

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Mysterious seat filler, I salute you from afar. Three hours of the Niblet spouting about WDAH, you poor bastard.

German TV gets it, the Clampire is a danger to children and everyone else. Sehr gut my Deutsches fremden.

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Content free statistics, a specialty of scientology. Some of the things they track are not worth tracking and a lot of what they expect to be on a continual uptrend, such as income, is not feasible. If you don’t have criminal tendencies when you start in scientology, if you expect to survive, you better hone them.

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Ah, the old Chase Wave. CoS should have faced criminal charges for that. Ugh!

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COB(Cabron Odioso Bastardo) no hace negocios en Florida, ¿que no?

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It is really mind blowing what they can get away with.

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The Chase Wave: My story is a little different. My boss, a Scientologist, offered to lend me money to do a program on the Freewinds. I paid for it with a company credit card.

When got on the ship, Ethics decided that I was PTS, (a false Sec Check read). They were about to offload me without any service delivered when at the last moment, they allowed me to stay and do a small lecture Course instead.

Next: The IAS registrar's office on the ship went after me. The reg was so overpowering that after three hours, I purchased an IAS lifetime membership with the company card but without my boss's approval. I felt horrible.

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Regarding the tiny TC org: the winner in the Birthday Game is the org that has the biggest percentage increase. An org of one person only needs one more person to achieve a 100% increase. An org of 200 people needs 200 additional people to get the same percentage increase. It's a lot easier to get one more person than 200!

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