You can be sure that some Bookstore Officer is bragging about his commissions now. And the cash that should have gone to a retirement community or medical treatments or a retirement savings plan is lost to Scientology.

It is elder abuse plain and simple. Wouldn't be surprised to hear that she is now in massive credit card debt as well.

You may have some legal recourse since she is old enough to be declared incompetent to manage her affairs. I am not a lawyer, but it is worth checking out. Maybe the Aftermath Foundation can help.

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I'd just like to add that you should not try to contact her through the org or this shady character that got your brother's phone etc. Do not give them any hints about what you are up to. Disconnection both ways.

Instead, find someone who knows how to track down public records etc. and work it that way. As her children you have legal rights that cannot be abridged by her "employers" or "church".

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"Sandi" likely is at Pubs/Bridge. That would explain the long delays between Sandi and Sunni's mom who is likely the one ordering the LRH books/CDs to be sent to the son.

Amazing that the Sea Org considers their in house email faster than the outside world.

In hindsight, Sea Org life is like North Korean work camp life, and they don't know it of course.

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"She wanted to tell my brother that the way that we were raised was not according to the concepts of L. Ron Hubbard, because the books were incorrectly printed with errors and typos." Yeah, blame it on the semi-colons. What a piece of work. Yeah, some FSM and probably a few others on the totem pole got 'Mommy' to spend her money on excrement. And to send that excrement to a child she neglected. What about Sunny? No 'proper tech' for her? Not that she would have accepted anything from the Clampire.

Yeah, I smell elder abuse too. A wellness check wouldn't do anything but get Mommy to disconnect again. I want to go out to some quiet forest glade and scream my head off.

Thank you Sunny, this story is the true End Phenomenon of $cientology. Take every penny and try to reinforce the superiority of Lroon. It does seem that Mommy had some guilt and this was her way of trying to make amends. Yeah, $cientology can help you with that.

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Never ceases to amaze me how they keep spouting the BS about Scientology helping you succeed in every area of your life. Communication (yet they are the ones who can’t talk to you about anything), your marriage (yet they have an unbelievable divorce rate) My old brain just lost its train. But you all know what I mean. Also, I have yet to hear an OT success story that even resembles a real super power. But they are keeping Scientology working..they are bilking every cent out of their members and using them in every way they can. Way to go.

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One more story in the thousands of incidents regarding the plague of Scientology and its disconnection policies and its unstoppable appetite for money, money money. Scientology is a virus from outer space. People like Tony and Sunny are helping to eradicate the virus with their UV Light of truth. Keepi shining.

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The over-65 crowd in the Sea Org is very vulnerable. If someone finds out they receive SS, they are instructed to give it to the org as this money is from "the enemy", the federal government. If they receive an inheritance, it's PARTY TIME for the IAS, betterment groups, and the bookstore.

My friend's mom who was a teacher as well as a homeowner with various assets was cleaned out by the church. When she died she not only left nothing to her kids (both in good standing) there was not enough money to bury her.

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Indeed, "..gut-wrenching..." and sickening to boot.

Always about using "LRH's tech (the quackery materials from Hubbard)" as the thing to get out into the world to somehow "fix" all the world's problems.

Just insane.

Why not just make it all free or nearly free.

(I'm studying the Pali Canon discourses of the Buddha, and you can get the WHOLE Pali Canon in English, newly translated, for around 200 bucks and just listen to it all also in audible book format which is way easier, no study tech quackery required. Way better than the ridiculous Hubbard massive trove of BS crock.)

It is sick, all non Scientology family should be warned that inheritance sent to Scientology Sea Orgers will NOT help them escape, rather it will be wasted on Hubbard's crock quackery materials or the quackery services. DON'T waste money on Sea Orgers unless they tell you to help them escape!

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Dearest Sunny, I cannot imagine how that must feel, especially protecting yoru brother. I told my mom last year to disown me (has nothing to do with SCN) because I was done with her lies and psychological bullshit.

I feel your strength in your words, but your brother suffers still, yet my heart goes out to both of you with much love. 💜

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