Oh, he is such a worm! He's so used to lying wildly and there being few, if any, repercussions. He should have been charged with rape many months ago and it infuriates me that he hasn't - and that he is still claiming to have been the victim despite video evidence to the contrary! He is such a liar, and a sleaze, and a danger to women.

You three would run rings around him.

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Michael Yanti Moretti Green Ford Prefect Cruz effed around, and now he’s finding out.

Representing himself? What could possibly go wrong?

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Not surprising that Greene would lie in his depositions. He is paid to follow Hubbards guidelines to harass “enemy’s” of the cherch of Scientology. Fair gaming is the stock and trade of dictators and fascism. Miscavige carries on the tyrannical policies. This PI is a minion of an organization that is sick to its core. Keep up the great reporting Tony.

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What an a-hole. Does he expect the court to just bend over and kiss his a##? Don't pucker up Tony, Karen and Jeff. I wonder if Cruz (if that is his current name) is getting $cieno money to pull that stunt?

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This is not how one goes about obtaining judicial leave to subpoena anyone, let alone a journalist.

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Yelping Yammering Yeast-bitten Yellowbellied Yanti

Loathsome Wanker, Malevolent Miscavige Minion

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Make Greene pay for transportation and deposition costs for Tony, Jeffery and Karen. A depo can be done with a court reporter at a lawyer's office.

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