Detailed article that shows the way scientology social betterment organizations continue to morph in attempts to avoid being correctly identified as front groups to worm their way into the fabric of society as a positive force for good. Scientology has a major goal to supplant all other religions and take over every country throughput the world. Great that the Greek Orthodox Church is not buying it.

The truth about Scientology is that it is not ubiquitous. It is shrinking and most countries have no church of Scientology presence. This should be big news for all Scientology whistleblowers. Thanks for the article Chris.

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Yes. “Love bomb - then ‘worm’ your way into their psyche.”

The modus operandi of the church of scientology.

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It plays on a need, an addiction of acceptance

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Well done Chris Owens. And very well done to the Greek Orthodox Church. You found the snake in the grass and whacked it good. I wonder what name the next 'social betterment' scam will use? There are so many names and letters waiting to be subsumed by the CO$.

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Thanks for the reminder to write people at the local school system and warn them about this.

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A "cautious" scientology response to being outed as a fascist, profit-oriented cult? Nah, Captain Foot Bullet will inevitably issue some kind of "theta, tone 40 rebuttal" ,through some anonymous spokesperson(a reformed body thetan, perhaps),to the ceaseless "bigotry and suppression" that he and his Intergallactic Saviors are being subjected to by these clueless, reactive meat-sacks. It will be a bombastic, barely literate screed full of arrogance and butt-hurt. It's what a totally ethical, senior terminal must do to "handle" EBIL(misspelled intentionally) WABBITS on this planet, eh?

So glad that there are some organizations who unflinchingly call out the crimes, fuckery, and abusive madness of McSavage and his

Pimping Cartel.

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¿Porqué no pasa esto más a menudo? plantea Toni Ortega.

Es una pregunta de altísima importancia, y de compleja respuesta. Mi humilde visión al respecto:

Os resultará muy familiar ..

En parte, yo creo que el juego sucio es imprescindible para expandirse, es decir anular a todas las personas que no cierren los ojos a todo lo que la organización haga para acercar gente, o acercarse a sitios, y fagotizar mentes y lugares, más toda actividad que esté relacionado con ello. Para eso, como mínimo procurarán desacreditar la reputación de obstáculos, tendiendo trampas incluso, para reforzar esas campañas si es preciso.

No necesitan demostrar nada a menudo, lamentablemente; con mucho ruido puede llegar a parecer que tienen razón de momento.

Otras veces, si tienen 'algo feo' del enemigo, que sí puedan demostrar 'pericialmente' para dañar su carrera, su reputación, o su vida, lo usarán para tenerlo como atado de pies y manos y tapada la boca. Es posible que eso lo estén haciendo ahora mismo con miles de personas, o cualquier artista, empresario, político, o deportista de élite, que se haya relajado mucho en una fiesta privada, con una simple foto.

Siempre han funcionado así como sabemos. Eso aparte de meter miedo.

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The winks to Scientologists from some television contest...($...) on public TV...) in my country are evident, I think. They are also in 'Mission Impossible' "Rogue Nation" (spread all over the world). Or "Seven Souls" (souls fighting in one body, a Scientologist may remember), with Willy Smith (perhaps also the nod to African-American citizens).

And they'll likely try to include psychological reinforcements in any movie scripts, too.

People who do not know about the dark organization do not think about it, and in my country they are not a cause for social alarm at all, but surely the intelligence services are attentive to avoid and prevent pretensions like in Greece.

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If the Greek police had not thwarted the OSA's plans, reminiscent of what happened with Paulette Copper, perhaps they would not have been able to generate today's complaint and alarm in Greece. Maybe that's why we don't get good news like this more often. Not everyone can be bribed.

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