Auditing is like tenderizing meat. Exactly. Perfect. Andrea has officially achieved the highest level of the Bunker grade chart.

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Hi Sunny, our Queen!

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I stumbled into the Mark Twain house via Google Maps, you just click on the house, and it takes you inside and you can take a tour via Google Maps. One person of the many 360 photos, then did a 360 photo tour of the inside of the house, and you can weave yourself all around his house, and truly it is as good as being there, almost. No smells yet, on 360 tours which you can find in Google Mapping yourself around the world virtually.


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Thanks for the mention, Pan! 😊

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Yep, joker and degrader is a no-no. If you have a sense of humor you get tired of all the humorless scientologists. And scientologists have such an uptight morality, just the least bit of observational humor about sex or relationships, any random scientologist will get in your face.

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And yet among the Scientology hardliners are just one big incestuous (figuratively speaking) pool of everyone having been married to everyone else. Then there are the juvenile dirty minds like Kirstie, Jenna and Bodhi, and the rapists like Masterson, and non-celebrity child molesters like too many to count. It's all deflection, hypocrisy and moral façade.

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The church buying always serves the fundamental "religion angle" motive of Hubbard's. Buying a church automatically dodges the conversation off of their troubles.



"Scientology, whose first 70 years of existence, has been known to buy up all sorts of non churchy buildings, is now starting a new trend and finally buying up old for sale legitimate churches.

""If you can't slip in the back door, we'll just buy the dying churches around us, says fake Scientology church spokesperson Janet Weiland. "We're changing our strategy for our church buildings. Our founder L. Ron Hubbard wanted us to take the religion angle with Scientlology, so it hit us finally like a ton of bricks. Let's buy up for sale church buildings. It makes us more legit, and this isn't stolen religious valor, it's perfectly legal to buy up old churches and repurpose them into exorcism centers so we can have our members learn to exorcise the spirits Xenu dumped onto earth 75 million years ago."

"We've been studying L. Ron Hubbard's final writings, and he suggested we combine what we do in our church services, what we call "group processing" a kind of group brainwashing, and Hubbard said maybe group exorcism would fly. Do some piloting. So we think our new churches which have traditional seating areas are just perfect for doing some group exorcism piloting. As has been widely explained now, our secret exorcism procedures are widely leaked, so we thought, let's go with the flow of the public's greater understanding that we do exorcism in quite high volume. So, made us think let's try "group exorcism" in our church services, and make "group exorcism" into a beginner service we offer, for little to no cost, but just straight donations by parishioners. So be on the look out for our group exorcism for all in our new churches. This will help us kill multiple religious stolen valor birds with one simple move. And be in keeping with our founder's "religion angle" fundamental orders of the earliest beginnings of us taking the religion dodge."

"Further, Weiland said, "We ran a "basics" program that was a dud, and now the world knows Scientology is all about the Xenu body-thetans (body-thetans being just the spirits or souls of humanoids Xenu brought to earth from other planets and Xenu mass murdered and mass implanted the souls of these mass murdered humanoids with bad soul memories, the famous L. Ron Hubbard R6 implants are the crazy soul memories deep in our soul memory banks we all suffer from which make earth "hell". SO, we thought, why not just let the cat out of the bag, and go full tilt religion angle, and go hard core exorcism on our newbies, day one, they walk into one or our church services and we hit them with the Xenu theory and just go straight into exorcising their body-thetans off them with an easy group processing (part of our existing quackery lineup mainly done on newbies, and done at our churches today who are in their non traditional buildings). So we thought just go whole hog exorcism on our newbies in formerly traditional church buildings! This was the brain child of David Miscavige our greatest fake religion leader ever."

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Joburg! Wait until she does the 2D sec check.

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Oh dear, I'm breaking up terribly. I'm so sorry, and I hope it doesn't spoil it for everyone. I'll get it sorted out by next week.

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When Scientology renos the newly bought church building in Hollywood, Miscavige ordered that the stain glass windows will have the core R6 implant memories depicted. "We want our newbies to be fully restimmd" says Miscavige.

"We're gonna pilot group exorcism, since we do group processing on newbies for free at our fake church services, we thought we better get to the punch line of our spiritual practices upfront." Said Miscavige.

"So this church building buying and we'll do some day one group exorcism in our fake church services, and in that way follow our founder Hubbard's 'religion angle' dodge strategy and also just let the Xenu and body-thetans exorcism high volume stuff we do, just let it out of the bag. Embrace Xenu and body-thetans from day one, and jump into some group exorcism, which we have priorly only allowed our wealthiest most brainwashed followers do the exorcism. This will be our exorcism of Xenu's body-thetans for the masses, like it always ought to have been." Miscavige is hopeful.

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