Thank you Tony for posting the official statement of the church.

There is a new Fantasy Land in Florida not at Disney world but in Clearwater and a diminutive king rules over his beige and terra cotta castle with an iron fist. Recently his edict embossed with the gold and red letterhead of the Church of Scientology is “The Truth” within the castle. And everywhere else in the world including Clearwater, more and more people know that David Miscavige’s organization protects criminals, scammers, cheats, women abusers, child abusers, and slave traffickers.

Ultimately the members of Scientology are bringing it down. The scam produces a core of members and staff who have no moral compass and have only one purpose, “protect the bridge to total freedom so I can achieve my immortality”. The end results are toxic inhuman narcissists. And this is what we see in living color with the Masterson case. I speak as one with almost 50 years as a die hard member and how lacking I was as a compassionate human being. So all the money in the world will not save this destructive organization from disintegrating..

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Geoff, Isn't it truly amazing the volume of Scientology ads they are running hourly on TV here in LA, CA?!? And now at the end they pitch in (paraphrase) how Scientology insists any illegal activities are reported to the police. (FACT: In 30 years as a Scientologist...it was *always* a

"High Crime" to report anything to the police)

How easily they twist the truth.

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The gospel to live by in the 46 years I was a believer was the Ethics Book. And Hubbard had disdain for the police and the justice system and it was written in that book and still is. In the early days 60-70s there was some semblance of flexibility and compassion for others. And eventually those people all left so by the eighties it was Sciebots and Seaborgs running the show. Now Scientology is a combination of Fascism, Scammism, The New Inquisition and robotism. Any truth in the teachings of L. Ron Hubbard are only extant to lure people into becoming believers of Scientology’s lies.

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"Church policy explicitly demands Scientologists abide by all laws of the land." Didn't Hubbard take to the high seas to avoid "all laws of the land?" (They just never change their tortured verbiage, do they?)

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I rewatched DM’s interview with Ted Koppel (? Sp) and of course he denied that it had anything to do with anyone’coming after him’. Any time he was asked a question by Ted , it was deflected and ignored. No wonder he doesn’t want to do interviews now. Looking forward to seeing him have HIS day in court.

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AK, spot on.

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Do Leah, Mike, Aaron, Claire, Mark or anyone else have a copy of the COS Ethics book? Since this is Scientology policy (not going to authorities), it would be interesting for the general public to be able to see and read the policy. I say this because so many people outside of those of us who have been following for years don’t seem to believe that such a policy exists. On one of the episodes of The Aftermath, Leah showed her huge library of COS books. I’d have to believe she has a copy of Ethics.

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You can buy yourself one on eBay for pennies on the pound (or dollar).

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I wasn’t sure if internal books were available to the public for purchase. Thanks!

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MT, check out Xenu.net and https://wikileaks.org/wiki/Category:Scientology...among many, many other sites that have all kinds of internal docs from the "church" of scientology...

Also, tonyortega.org is a one-stop online treasure trove of scientology information. You could spend months just reading the stuff on that site. It's the site that inspired the final snap of my cognitive dissonance after I walked off of my scientology staff job in May of 2012.

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Thank you, Mark! I feel somewhat foolish as I’ve been around here long enough that I should have thought to check both Tony and Mike Rinders blogs before posting my question. Nevertheless, much appreciated. And most importantly, congratulations on getting out years ago. Our world is a better place with you in it!

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If you want to get a real sense of the source of all this insanity, read Jon Atack's LET'S SELL THESE PEOPLE A PIECE OF BLUE SKY(if you haven't already).

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I’ve listened to his podcast but I have not read his book. Thank you! I’ll look into it.

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There are several layers of Scientology texts.

The ethics book is one that is bought by 'public' ScIentologists, and readily available online.

Volumes only available in orgs can be found online as scans.

It's minority of booksare still deadly secrets - Iike Hubbard's early 'training films" which were suppressed because they were so awful.

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Thank you!

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What, defendant David “he is NOT insane!” Miscavige worry? Could someone post the DM-as-Alfred-Neuman “what, me, worry?” GIF, please?

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"scintilla" ....Davy has 'word of the day' toilet paper. This butthurt just screams for a 55 gallon drum of Preparation H.

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Also screams for a solid, indestructible Arslykan butt plug, yes?🤗

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Here’s another (probably dumb) question... How can DM and COS deny that this is “policy” (not going to authorities) if it’s clearly stated in a book that anyone can read? And if this is clearly stated in an Ethics book (or is it somewhere else) why wasn’t it introduced as evidence? A lot of this doesn’t make sense to me. I 100% believe that it’s policy but where would one find the proof?

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The “introduction to ethics” book was entered as evidence following the defense (repeat: the defense) trying to impeach testimony regarding its wording. Tony wrote about it on June 5th 2021, https://tonyortega.org/2021/06/05/was-david-miscavige-behind-tom-mesereaus-biggest-blunder-at-danny-mastersons-prelim/

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Thank you!!

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Very interesting. I'm kind of surprised that she did not order Vicki Podberesky to appear. Podberesky is the one person who can explain from who and/or how she received the documents.

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Here are some possible titles to file all scienbollocky p.r. releases under that have been put out since the death of the thesaurus wielding Silver Mullet:

Wanker Widget Screeds

Punching Pontiff Proclamations

Illiterate Intergalactic Imbecile Issues

Dork Dreck Diatribes

Bombastic Bitch Bloviations

Elevator Shoes Extemporizing

Hubbard Homunculus Huffing

Dynamic Dingleberry Declarations

And my fave: Dumb Petty Napoleonic Motherfucker Blabbing

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Thanks for showing the COS official statement. What a joke.

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The lede photo looks straight out of the Clue game. Who did it?

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