Tommy Scherer is a well programmed ronbot. That is sad, but it is his problem. The Tone Scale is just another tool to denigrate those who don't bow down to the Ron Scam.

That child is obviously not a native Irish person. It is on the same level as any child reciting the pledge of allegiance or some religious catechism. I noted about 15 people who looked like 'public' and 11 who looked like staff. Not much of a turn out, is it?

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Of course, we will take the word of Tommy from Long Island about criticism of the criminal organisation known as the “church” of $cientology. It’s not like it’s an organisation with a (more or less) secret training drill to lie convincingly... Oh, wait, they do have one of those - the training routine is called TR-L and certified copies circulate in critics’ circles.


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I can testify about TR-L and its’ long existence in a court of law. As a long out former GO, we were drilled extensively on it.

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The first video is sad, poor kid.

The second video shows you exactly what scientology believes a superior being looks like:

Dirty Glasses

Horrendous Dental Hygiene

My age or a little older but looks 20 years older

Serious question for the guy in the second video: if scientology is so miraculous, why aren’t you successful? Shouldn’t you be able to run circles around all of us who don’t have the “benefits” you do?

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So true, and your observations are exactly what is non stop noted by outsiders of Scientologists who shield themselves with the Hubbard outlay of false superiority escapist ideas and Hubbard prejudices. Wishful thinking elitism escapist prejudicial Hubbard delusional thinking lodges some over and over into exactly what is on display in the man's video.

Arthur C. Clarke was brilliant in his summary of Hubbard.


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Perfect spokesperson for scientology. He is so delusional he can't see the forest OR the trees.

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Now that I’m out, I read the child video as chilling. I was a second-gen Scientologist and ate it all up. I see the elation this child has, which I felt from doing courses, and the beaming pride of the parent, knowing their child is “on the right path”. It makes me mad.

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The Scientology graduation testimonials are strained and forced, the speakers aren't at ease, they struggle to speak their thoughts clearly.

The weekly graduation, I ran thousands of them, when I was a Flag Course Supervisor, and was the MC like this woman who introduces the boy who gives his strained, unclear, forced testimonial of success.

It's one of the dreaded "rituals" of Scientology, their graduations, where the members have to get up and give their positive interpretations/summaries of their "successes" achieved mentally or in action in their lives, due to the Hubbard "knowledge" they studied.

It's a pitiful routine, that truly cements the Hubbard knowledge unfortunately into the members' heads to be so open and public, and get applauded for what they said.

I hate and dread to remember all the forced testimonials I led, as does this woman in this video. Thousands. Maybe tens of thousands. 1977-1983, and again 1988-1989. I did years of leading this group false praising of Hubbard's crap.

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I read the comments on YouTube and Tommy tells one commenter that he is OT8. The truth about scientology shows him completing OT 7 on December 1, 1989. It also shows him doing the,solo auditor course in 2018. Sooo…he’s heard of Xenu while doing then most probably redoing OT3.


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So, he's almost certainly lying about what should count as a major achievement. Compared to the level his soul has sunk to, his looks are just the best.

I'll feel sorry for the kids trapped in the criminal organisation known as the "church" of $cientology 100 times before I feel sorry for adults like Tommy.

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