In doing research on Filmmaker Matthew Weiss his filmmaking seems to be only to push his career as a motivational speaker and lawyer. By trade he handles traffic ticket litigation, personal injury cases and commercial property transactions. Mr. Weiss has one directing credit. Surprising that this lawyer would do no research on the organization that is streaming his film. Lawyers are suppose to be good at research. Maybe Weiss thinks he can get a high paying job litigating for David Miscavige. That would not surprise me.

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I doubt that Paltow or any one else connected with the documentary had any say in where it would be show. Except the owner of the Doc, that is. I bet most would be embarrassed to know that $cieno TV is showing it. I am on the Spectrum cable system so I can't access any $cieno TV thru my TV. But If you look around, you can watch on Roku or Tubi for 'free' if you wish.

There are probably many 'heroes' from 9/11 that we will never know about. That should not stop anyone from seeing the Man in the red bandana.

No matter how many 'documentary's' the Clampire shows, it will always be a Ebola coated Kiddie porn rapist company in the public's perception.

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Yes, Scientology TV is 99% for other scientologists. Their streaming site might lock slick but for most people it is just slimy.

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I have Spectrum cable but have access to ScnTV because it is paying a local “religious” channel to carry its content 24/7.

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