Just Incredible Val.

Thank you from my heart for your post and memories!

You are another Heroine of Mine.😘

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Valerie’s story reflects more than her life as a secret agent for the guardian’s office. She highlights what Scientologists don’t understand about their brainwashing. Hubbard’s Scientology tech imbues each person with the sense that they must not reveal their feelings or most sheltered thoughts to anyone. And although not stated, the only person who a member can reveal their issues to is the “director of processing” or the “auditor” assigned to them.

Valerie touchs on a programming point that still bites me in the ass. I need to be more mindful of this area. Valerie thank you for your comprehensive article.

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I gave Tony 19 pages this time. He had to cut quite a bit to fit his blog. One thing he left out was Paul, then he drops him back in later, which is good, because Paul was a part of my life for 10 years.

Paul shows up in my Scientology life quite often so let me introduce him. He was one of my SLC course mates. He and a group of them showed up at the Manor on course. I spent my free time with them and met Mark M through Paul. On my wedding day, he said “I always thought we would be the ones who got married.” He was always present in my life, but had never asked me out. He was the last Scientologist I saw on my exit. So I need to make sure he stays in the narrative.

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Valerie's writing is wonderful. Just the right combination of what she was thinking and what action was going on. I hope to read more of her adventures in the future. I kind of want to hunt down Mark M and touch his hair, but that would be counter-productive. I can see heartache in Val's future. And I can see how she kept her inner self separate from Lroon's brainwashing. That inner voice is what leads many to the ex camp.

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Regarding Chicago org: Cynical me wouldn't be surprised if they waited until the last minute so the Teamsters or any other union didn't have much notice or time to do anything to prevent their setup.

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"One of those days, Paul helped me do a photo shoot for a promo piece for CC that never materialized." -- WAIT! Who is Paul? Did I miss it in my read through? Was he trying to court you? So many questions...

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I had same thought and went back to no earlier mention in today’s story. Perhaps it’s in an earlier part. Glad I wasn’t the only one that noticed.

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