"All eventually left." I like it when a story has a happy ending. Well written Ron, your experiences seem to be very normal for every body that gets in the door and then gets out that door.

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I want to comment on the HQS course(Hubbard Qualified Scientologist) course. It’s got the right title. This is a training course where you willingly allow yourself to be physically controlled by another. Usually a stranger. This then “qualifies” you to accept the ensuing brainwashing that you will receive from future courses and books.

David Miscavige cleverly expand this small course to a huge, long course called The Survival Rundown that could be taken by new people coming into Scientology. It thoroughly beats you down to obey the dogma and rules of the cult. After my son completed the Survival Rundown he was committed to being in Scientology. Sad.

If any of you reading this saw the film The Master there is a sequence where Joaquin Phoenix is run through an HQS drill. It’s grueling.

Hubbard knew hypnotism and understood mind and body control. There is nothing positive about that course.

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Very eloquent and significant, the excerpt from Kasman's experience, within "the thing".

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Karen le Carriere,(to name just one...) preferred to face the circumstances of leaving, after giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to the manager, than to remain a prisoner.

Others (commoners or not...) don't dare.

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Great story. Glad you got out so easily.

I hated the Hubbard Qualified Scientologist Course, for the fact that buying it, committed you to becoming a Scientologist, at the end of the course you read and then SIGN the Code of a Scientologist.

I found signing that Code something I mentally was unable to do. The Course Supervisor, who had to get me to complete and sign off the paperwork with her signature that I completed all the steps of the course, gave me reasons to sign.

Scientologists who are Course Supervisors learn all sorts of tricks to get you to get over all these hurdles which normally the real world lets you simply NOT force yourself to jump over those idiotic hurdles.

Scientology pushes a person to buy into just non stop hurdles of signing into all manner of Hubbard ideas and "Codes" of behavior that you really don't agree with, I certainly never bought into Hubbard's hatred of psychiatry and psychology, nor Hubbard's idiotic science false claims.

The staffs of Scientology facilities selling a person the Hubbard ideas and quackery, simply shuffle newbies along any way they can.

My biggest "lesson" was reading the New Yorker writer's book about Con Men and how cons work.

The dupe's false hopes get sold back to him/her.

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