People ask me if this is true: I tell them Tom Cruise will leave Scientology around the same time I join... 😁More importantly: get well soon Tony. We love you and need you.

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I agree with Tony, more fake news to get clicks or sell in supermarkets. The twist now is that Tom Cruise has brought a public awareness of Scientology that has backfired creating an increased negative reputation for the faux church. And now “all the kings horses and all the kings men couldn’t put Humpty Hubbard back together again”. At a certain point continuing public of crimes and fraud decapitate a destructive organization and its dogma.

A new book by Liz Gale, “Confessions of an Ex-Scientologist Pothead” and my film BROTHERS BROKEN are the latest in the news. And creating more awareness of how Scientology brainwashed thousands of members and destroyed lives and families.


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Humpty Hubbard??? I love it, Geoff!!!

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The nursery rhyme is so appropriate for Scientology.

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I agree. I will celebrate with everyone who left when it breaks into a thousand pieces.

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I think the actor and "goose that laid golden eggs" for Miscavige, with or without faith, will never leave that group.

Miscavige can make a lot of his subordinates uncomfortable... so they stay.

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"they are planted stories by the Cruise/Paramount PR people to try to keep him out of the Scientology spotlight as it hurts the box office.” This obvious plant just shouts that TC can be 'saved' and that he may be 'escaping' by keeping away. 'Maybe TC isn't such a bad guy and maybe I'll see his movies anyway'.

People forget that TC has a dedicated $cieno staff that do his auditing, C/S and 'ethics' in his house. He can face time with Miscavige any time he wants and we don't know if TC 'donates' to the $cieno cause or if such simple $cieno sacraments are beneath him. I suppose a 'is he in or is he isn't' PR is better than 'why hasn't he seen his daughter in the last 15 years.

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I think so too. Tom Cruise's PR people plant those stories.

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On a different note, Tony, I intend your health will be totally restored. I love you and appreciate all your reports, 💜

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Sensational headlines bring in the doe. I don't know why anyone is concerned what Tom Cruise does or doesn't do. If these gossip rags want something to write about, how about the SeaOrg people who work for free to fix up Tom's homes? Title: TOM CRUISE USES SLAVE LABOR

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Was Nicole Kidman secretly declared a suppressive person?

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Yes, Tony, we are all very much looking for a total and complete recovery for you and for Mike.

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